
Out with the old, in with the new...

All this crap has to go somewhere...

Hello my dear friends, Father K here! (Yes, you remember, the least productive member of the DCJY team...) I haven't posted anything for ages for a number of reasons, but then I've also actually neglected my Dreamcast for over a year, falling into the '360 trap' and have remained bedazzled by the shininess of the current gen... Until now...

Recently, I got my living room floors laminated. This means the filth ridden, piss stained carpets of yore are now vanquished, but also that I had to totally reconsider which consoles I would re-install (and, of course, where I would put them...)

The "old faithful..." until the little bugger started playing up on me...

The "old favourite", green Dreamcast was re-installed, and I decided (on the exciting basis of the last post) that Shenmue should be the first game I played on it. (Shenmue 2 was the second ever game I played on my 360...)

But fuck-a-doo-dah! The little green snot started turning itself off and on, repeatedly as soon as I put it on. I couldn't get past the opening Lan-Di killing Ryo's father! I was about to have a screaming bitch fit, when I realised I've got bloody dozens (well, three) of those little Dreamcasts hermetically sealed in my loft, in case of just such emergencies.

So off I skipped and fetched down a 'brand new' one. You'll see the results of my unpacking below... It was quite marvellous, the feeling of opening a new console and it being a Dreamcast. I also opened a brand new see through controller, and a brand new see through blue VMU. Tomorrow, I'll play Shenmue on it, and party like it's 1999. Happy days, my brothers, happy days!!!!!

Oooohhhh!!!! Bluuuueeee!!!!

Like a virgin, touched for the very first time...

Clean and fresh, fresh and clean....

Wow! This one is easy, the filthy little tramp... Ha ha...

Shiny, plastic, fresh, lots of bits to mess with... Pant, pant!

You don't have to, take your clothes off, to have a good time... etc. etc.

Say my name, say my name!!!

Now that's just rude....

Job's a good 'un!


  1. OMG! Is that a Family Guy dvd at the bottom?

  2. Cheers chaps! And yes it is a Family Guy Christmas Special DVD!

  3. Thanks Ujn! We love each other here at the DCJY...

  4. Love the Dreamcast "reserves"! I have two, but I hope I'll never have to use them.
    My main Dreamcast is a Japanese model that I bought back in April. Before last week it was left hooked up to the guest room TV, while my American model was used as the main console. Then, one night when I was tired and a little drunk, I popped the US version of Silent Scope into the Japanese model and booted it up. Realizing that I needed to use the boot disc first, I was about to power the system down when magically the game started up! A Japanese machine playing a US game?! Turns out the system had a mod chip the whole time, and the ebay seller failed to mention it!

  5. I now have also two Dreamcasts boxed up in reserve dear Barry. We must make a pact not to open them before 2019, on the twentieth anniversary of the DC!

  6. Deal. And in 2019 we will write a joint post about it, only we won't write it, we'll be THINKING it because future computers will be mind controlled!
    We'll begin by making jokes about Sony going bankrupt in 2012 with the PS4, then speculate what Sega's recently announced DreamChannel on the XBOX 1080 will be (it turns out to be the complete Dreamcast library, with fully functioning online games, streaming to your TV and costing $5 a month).

  7. I knew you were thinking that... (see Barry, my mind is already ahead of the game.)

    We could be a Dreamcast 'hive mind' like in like in Minority Report...

  8. I've got that blue controller. Looks like I got stung though cause mine didn't come with a blue VMU. Ho-hum.

  9. The resetting thing is the easiest fix ever (sorry if everyone knows anyway :P)



