
Dreamcast Collection disc release heading to the 360?

Via SEGAbits and Scrawl comes an interesting piece of news! It seems that SEGA of America has a Dreamcast Collection disc release planned for the XBOX 360 (and possibly PS3) for release on February 15th, 2011. While nothing else is known of the title, it would make sense for SEGA to feature the four XBLA Dreamcast re-releases on one disc. Sonic Adventure, Crazy Taxi, Space Channel 5 Part 2 and SEGA Bass Fishing on one disc? Even if I've already downloaded one of the four titles, it does sound tempting. Here's hoping for some kick-ass package art and more Dreamcast Collection releases to come!

I've picked up Qubed a while back, a collection featuring Rez HD, Lumines Live! and E4. These releases are a great value, often cheaper than buying the titles individually, and they save on harddrive space. Plus, who doesn't like holding a physical box?


  1. didn't know about qubed, thanks. picking it up right now.

  2. Glad you're getting it! It's a cool little collection, there's even a video interview with Mizuguchi included.
