
2012 Dreamcast game #3: Dux sequel Redux!

With Gunlord and Sturmwind due to released at some point this year, who would have thought we would get an announcement for a THIRD release for the Dreamcast in 2012? Sure enough, here comes a sequel to the 2009 shooter Dux. It looks to be pretty similar to the previous game but with much more fire power. What's really unusual is how this one is going about being released: with a kickstarter project.
For the project they need $25,000 pledged in a month to fund both the Dreamcast release, as well as releases for iOS, Playstation Network, Xbox Live Arcade and Stream, and finally a 4 disc soundtrack. Pledging $55 will get you the soundtrack, $65 would get you the Dreamcast game and $100 would get you both. Only 1000 copies of the Dreamcast game will be made, and this is the only way to grab one!

What's more, the game will be bundled with another update to the original DUX! So if you never bought the original this is not a bad deal if the new version is as much of an improvement as Pink Bullets was to Last Hope!

It's certainly a first for the Dreamcast scene to have a game funded by the fans in such a way. Could this be how future Dreamcast projects come to fruition? Either way the Dreamcast even in 2012 STILL refuses to die, thanks to these slightly batty but brilliant developers who love the console so much.

Update: The $25,000 target has been met in just 5 days! You can still pledge for a copy of the Dreamcast version for another 25 days so if you're planning to grab it make sure you do before them days are over! Congrats to the Redux team for hitting their target and well done Dreamcast fan base for supporting this so well! :)


  1. I went for the $65 level! Looks like they should make the goal too. Jumped from 22% to 31% since 7 hours ago, and still 29 days to go. I like how limited it is, makes the release seem special. I liked DUX visuals, but it was too hard. This looks better gameplay wise, plus they throw in the first game with fixes!

    Though ideally, the first DUX should have been at the level of the revision.

  2. This will defiantly get fully funded at this rate, up to almost 50% already!

  3. Now it's at 77! I assume it'll continue to get funded until all the good gifts are gone. Amazed to see a few people dropping $1000 for the premium gifts! Thats a hunk of cash for an indie game.

  4. They already have more than what they asked for! :D

  5. I am going for the $65 option on June 1st when I have some extra money kicking around.

  6. Really hoping we get that second ship and new stage! Though their goals to get them are quite high. Oh well, at least I'm getting the game.

  7. To be fair if they sell out of the Dreamcast copies of the game and the soundtracks they should get close to their highest target.

  8. Donations have slowed since they met the goal. Fingers crossed things speed up again!

  9. I think they're really pushing it with the new goals. The first one was reasonable, but now they're just being greedy.

  10. Well I dunno.

    I mean once you reached your goals then people looking at the kickstarter might not want to donate anymore money.

    It's an odd thing dealing with this whole new funding system.

    That being said considering how crazy for new games dreamcast fans around the world are they probably set their initial goal a bit too low.

  11. when will a DC 2012/13 system become a reality

  12. Does anyone know where one can buy the rest of the 1000 copies that aren't already sold via kickstarter?
