
The Dreamcast...Shoe?

So you're wearing your Dreamcast jacket and t-shirt; you've got your Dreamcast baseball cap firmly on your head; and your Dreamcast satchel is neatly slung over your shoulder securely holding your Dreamcast notebook PC and assorted Sega-branded pens and writing pads. There might even be a Dream Eye in there in case you spot something worthy of recording via the power of VGA video. But there's something missing. Something is eating at the very fabric of your SH4-powered soul. Like the atmosphere in any HP Lovecraft novel, something is off...but you don't know what. Lowering your head in shame and looking down at the pavement/sidewalk/mud (yes, you are actually outdoors dressed like this), the penny drops like an anvil falling from the top of a skyscraper: your shoes are not Dreamcast-branded! You begin to cry and run home screeching like a banshee. The embarrassment. The shame.

I'm sure you're all familiar with this scenario, and this is no fantasy (star online) - it is actually based on true events. In fact, the author is the person described above. Last Tuesday, as it happens. But I digress - there is a happy ending to this tale of woe, as when I got home I happened to spot a Facebook post by our good friends over at DreamcastGaga, which allowed me to link to a Japanese website selling perhaps the most hideous amazing footwear this side of Christiano Ronaldo's neon boots:

Yes my friends. Dreamcast-branded...plimsole things. The outfit you always dreamt of wearing can now be completed with style and aplomb. Unfortunately I cannot read Japanese so cannot really give any details of availability or pricing, but one of the links on the page takes you through to another with lots of TGS 2015 banners, so I'd hazard a guess that they will be sold there along with all the other usual games show tat. That said, in all seriousness these do look quite fun and the box mirrors the design of the NTSC-J Dreamcast one.
There are other designs available from manufacturer ANippon, with both Sega Saturn and Megadrive fans catered for. What do you think? High fashion or ugly crap? Let us know in the comments.


  1. It appears they will go on sale at TGS 2015.

  2. Will you be going? If so *whispers* can you get me a pair of size 10s...? XD

  3. Can't see myself rockin those bad boys,but I approve of the concept!
