
Senile Team Reveals Intrepid Izzy For Dreamcast & PC

Senile Team recently teased us with news of a brand new Dreamcast game in development...and now they've unveiled full details! Intrepid Izzy is a 2D side-scrolling platformer in the style of Nintendo classic Metroid. Details are a little thin on the ground at present, but Senile Team promises that Intrepid Izzy will mix role playing, platforming and beat 'em up elements.
"Intrepid Izzy is a 2D action adventure platformer or "metroidvania", currently in development by Senile Team. Mixing platforming with beat-'em-up and RPG elements, the titular character must jump, fight and puzzle her way through various imaginative, colourful worlds.

A lot of time and attention was spent on developing the visual style of the game. The crisp and cartoony HD graphics come to life thanks to bright, warm colours and smooth animations. The game is being developed on PC (Windows), and a Dreamcast version is also in the works (though obviously not in HD). Additional platforms are also being looked into."
- Roel van Mastbergen, Senile Team

You can find screens of the PC version of the game over at the Intrepid Izzy site, but Roel was kind enough to supply The Dreamcast Junkyard with some exclusive shots of the Dreamcast version that you won't find anywhere else:
The game does indeed look very impressive from the screens already released, and the art style and animation look very nice. Senile Team are known for their high quality games and Intrepid Izzy looks set to continue that trend. For more informtation, head over to the Intrepid Izzy microsite here.


  1. Looks really good indeed ! i will borrow one of your DC screens (credits to DCJY) to post the news via my little Dreamcast page, hope thats alright :D

  2. Sure - all the other Dreamcast sites get their stories from here without even bothering to link back so thanks for asking :)

  3. You just get too many damn exclusives Tom.
