Measuring 5 cm in length, the charms come in a variety of colours and feature an assortment of Dreamcast-related pixel art on their Potato-powered screens, with Space Channel 5, Jet Set Radio and Phantasy Star Online all represented. Crafted from acrylic, these cool little trinkets would brighten up even the most corporate-looking company-issued Nokia or Blackberry, so inject some VMU-themed fun into your life and head over to Sami's store here and see if there's a particular design that takes your fancy!
We spoke to Sami about these new VMU charms and asked what the inspiration behind them was. Here's what she said:
"This is my first time making merchandise, so I wanted to give back to the Sega community by creating goods you don't usually see officially or by fan artists. Plus I just want to see more retro Sega merchandise out there since that kind of market is dominated by Nintendo. With these different variations of VMUs I thought it'd cater to a lot of people since the Dreamcast is well loved!"
- Sami Briggs
What are you waiting for? Head over here to check out Sami's store. You can also follow her on Twitter, Instagram and Tumblr.
Just bought the Sonic, Phantasy Star, and Jet Set keychains. Thanks for the heads up! Can't wait to see them in person...