
Dreamcast: Year One Smashes Kickstarter Target

Hello. It's me, Tom. Been a while hasn't it? Enough about me though (sort of) - there's a new book all about the Dreamcast coming very soon! Full disclosure: I was actually interviewed for this book, so I do have a special interest; however it's still nice to see yet another physical tome dedicated to Sega's final console assume a physical - albeit not yet final - form. Yes, Andrew Dickinson's Dreamcast: Year One recently hit its Kickstarter goal of £6,000 and will now join the recent, similarly Kickstarted PS Vita: Year One as part of 2 Old 4 Gaming's stable of niche publications.

As stated, I was interviewed for Dreamcast: Year One and Andrew sent me a list of probing questions about my affinity with the console, my favourite games, and where I think the future of the system and its faithful community lie. To be honest, most of the stuff I wax lyrical about can probably be found in the archives of this very blog, such has my life been completely ingrained and documented here over the past decade and a half. That said, it was an honour to take part, and due to the success of the Kickstarter, the book looks set to be sent out to backers in October 2019.

Naturally, it's not all about me (weak McFly reference - check), as several other much more important people are also interviewed, with editor of DC-UK magazine Caspar Field,  editor of Official UK Dreamcast Magazine Ed Lomas, and former SEGA America chief Bernie Stolar amongst that number. There are also a bunch of mini reviews and deep dives on certain Dreamcast games. As the name suggests, it will primarily focus on the first year of the Dreamcast's meagre lifespan, and have a very distinct UK flavour which will make this book pretty unique in comparison to the mainly Japan and US focused stuff we're used to. There's a glut of original artwork by artist Erik Pavik that accompanies the words too. Overall it looks to be a very nice addition to the 2 Old 4 Gaming library.

The previous release from 2 Old 4 Gaming was the aforementioned PS Vita: Year One, and again - full disclosure - I was a backer and recipient of that book. As something of a PS Vita fanboy, I was very impressed with the accuracy and quality of the information contained between the covers of that particular text, so I have high hopes for Dreamcast: Year One.
You can find out more about Andrew Dickinson's Dreamcast: Year One by visiting the Kickstarter page here, and the upcoming PS Vita: Year One and PS Vita: Year Two books from 2 Old 4 Gaming here.

It's worth noting that there is also the other Dreamcast Kickstarter book coming in 2019 from Darren Wall (you can read about that one here), but we think there's enough of a difference in approach to both of these projects that they can easily live side by side on anyone's bookshelf, coffee table or stall at an overpriced games convention.
Finally, some more full disclosure. You may have noted a recent drop off in terms of articles from myself here at The Dreamcast Junkyard. That's because I was totally fed up with the internet, gaming, the way everyone screams at each other on social media these days and, well, life in general. So I checked out of the internet and took a well-deserved hiatus.

I thoroughly enjoyed it, and continue to do so. To this end, I doubt very much that I'll be back to updating this place as regularly as I used to, but I'll be checking in with the odd update every now and then to help the other writers keep it all ticking over. I won't be going back on social media though. Oh no. That dumpster fire can burn itself to the ground, and through to the very core of the planet.


  1. Glad to see you around. Hopefully you drop in on the Dreampod from time to time too!

  2. Hey Tom is back! We all missed you bud great to see you even if it is just temporarily!

    I totally get what you mean about social media crap and the toxicity that comes with it. I completely deleted my FaceBook account and am a much happier person for it. I don't care to know every little detail about my old acquaintances, friends and families issues. I am a much happier person for removing it from my life, and live much more stress free.

    Anyways, this is a great project and I thoroughly look forward to reading it when it comes out!

  3. Thanks for your comments all! Yes, social media has really imploded upon itself recently and I'm glad I no longer have it in my life. But on the topic of Andrew's book, it looks like a nice publication and I'm interested to read the interviews contained within. Especially those with Ed Lomas and Caspar Field, who are both very well regarded journalists from the age of print.

  4. Love social media! Don't take it too seriously lmfao not everything deserved a reaction...

  5. Love social media! Don't take it too seriously lmfao not everything deserved a reaction...

  6. Hey Tom

    Not posted here before but I'm a long time lurker on the Junkyard.

    I'm not a social media user myself but see the negative affect it can have on people so don't feel like i'm missing out.

    Hopefully a break from it will do you good and maybe you'll come back feeling refreshed.

    I've been a Dreamcast owner since 1999 and have always enjoyed reading articles written by other fans of the system and your input over the years has been phenomenal.

    All the best


  7. Echo Bradley Mattice comment, another Dreampod episode would be great!

  8. Hey Tom. Glad to see you're doing well and are going to make cameo appearances from time to time. We've messaged a few times on the social medias and I was a bit concerned when you disappeared but I totally understand wanting to take a break from it all!
