
DCJY welcomes Peter Moore

After almost 6 years, our podcast DreamPod has finally reached the magic number of 100 episodes. Every single one of the previous 99 has been a pleasure to produce, but for episode 100 we thought we needed a guest that could help us really celebrate reaching this not insignificant milestone. First and foremost we invited you, our valued listeners to send in recorded voice messages and email questions that the DreamPod crew could answer with varying degress of idiocy authority. 

However, to really mark this momentous episode, we knew we also had to invite a Dreamcast related special guest onto the show; someone with real stature in the storied history of the Dreamcast to come and tell us their story. In this case, we welcomed former Sega of America president Peter Moore onto the DreamPod to chat all things Dreamcast with us.

It was a real pleasure speaking to Peter and we would like to thank him for taking the time to answer Tom and James' questions. We would also like to thank our listeners for downloading our previous 99 episodes and making the DreamPod the success we like to think it has been.

You can either listen to DreamPod 100 using the embedded player above, or you can watch the recorded video call with Peter on our YouTube channel or by simply clicking play on the YouTube video embedded. You might want to watch the video all the way to the end too, lest you miss the reveal of the greatest piece of Dreamcast branded attire you're ever likely to see...
The must-have outfit this season...
As ever, all of our previous podcast episodes can be found on your favourite podcatcher by simply searching for 'DreamPod.' Once again, a huge thanks to those involved and here's to another 100 episodes! 

Oh, and if you like interviews with former presidents of Sega of America, you can find our interview with Bernie Stolar here.


  1. What a great interview. I never really got all the animosity some people had towards him - if anything I sympathised with him having to be the guy who had to scale SEGA down so much. I was surprised how much he actually still knows about the Dreamcast! Really enjoyable interview guys!

    Thanks again and happy new year!

  2. I honestly think this almost edges the Bernie Stolar Interview! Hard to compare the 2 off of the vast knowledge and info we gleaned from them both! I mean seeing the actual video footage was amazing, like I said on the YouTube video page, he clearly still adores the console and he had a twinkle in his eye when speaking about it. I almost detected a crack in his voice or 2 and he was borderline getting misty eyed by the looks of it. Great guy and great interview for sure. Hope to see more like this in the future.

  3. Thanks for the positive comments, it was a real pleasure and an honour to speak with Peter. Glad it turned out well, it was quite nerve wracking speaking to such an industry legend!

  4. The article title makes it sounds like Peter has become a writer for the Junkyard. lol An excellent interview though!

  5. How do you know Peter Moore isn't beind this whole blog pcwzrd? The grande deception!
