New Dreamcast game from NG:DEV TEAM - 'FAST STRIKER!
Animated AF
...and guess what? It's another shmup! From the creators of Last Hope, Dux and Last Hope Pink Bullets it's Fast Striker, which has just appeared out of what seems like no where (unless I've just not been paying enough attention lately) is now up for pre-order in both a standard and limited edition.
Like Last Hope this game was first developed for the Neo-Geo MVS and has been ported over for us that are not Richie Rich. Unlike their previous two games this one is a vertical shooter which I personally get along much better with as bullets falling down from above just feels more natural to me for some reason. I'm getting a sort of Mars Matrix vibe from this, and it even features that freaky pig mascot thing that was in the Pink Bullets manual in game! It also boasts over 40 CGI cut scenes, three game modes and six levels (you know what that means!).
You can pre-order the game directly from NG: DEV TEAM over here right now, and I'm betting just like the last games they won't be around for long!
Dreamcast: Drug Lord's Console of Choice
Tom Charnock
Howdy, fellow Dreamcasters! Seeing as it's been several months since I checked in with a post here at the DCJY, I thought now was as good a time as any to share some DC news with you. Well, it's not 'news,' per say, but it involves everyone's favourite white block of fun. Speaking of white blocks of fun (that's, erm, the DC in case you were wondering), I don't actually have mine at the moment because I let a friend borrow it...and now he's fucked off on holiday without telling me. On the plus side, he managed to do something I never could - get off the first disc on Code Veronica. Damned mutant thing making me look like a fool. Gah...!
Anyway, I digress. This past week has been a pretty dull one in the life of Tomleecee, so I've found myself sampling the delights of many a movie, book or DVD boxset. Watched the entire first series of Dexter in 2 sittings (what an awesome show, by the way) and as I couldn't really afford to spend £30-odd buying the second and third series, I instead chose to purchase another, cheaper boxset to follow it - namely Series 1 of The Shield. Had previously heard of it, but never actually bothered watching an episode. Mainly because it's on Channel 5 and as a rule I don't tend to watch anything on Channel 5. Apart from the Gadget Show. Erm. So yeah, bought The Shield series 1 for £6 from CEX. And it's ace. But what's this got to do with the Dreamcast?
Well, at the end of the pilot episode, double-hard mega cop Vic Mackey and his team of double-hard mega cops bust into a drug dealer's gaff (through the window, naturally), interrupting a nice family game of Crazy Taxi...on a Dreamcast!
Want evidence? Here you go, your honour:

It makes me feel warm and fuzzy knowing that even the most hardened drug dealers can enjoy a nice relaxing DC session with their favourite hoe or bitch.
DC-spottage doesn't stop there though my friends! Oh no! I also had the misfortune to watch a rather low-budget movie called The Truth About Average Guys. And when I say 'watch,' I mean 'view for 20 minutes and then turn off in disgust...but only after spotting another DREAMCAST REFERENCE!'
Here you go:

Yep, the 'hilarious' comedy scene involves two guys tricking their friend into thinking he's playing on an Xbox 360 with them by giving him a disconnected old DC controller. Honestly, I nearly died laughing.
So there you go. Not one but TWO Dreamcast spots in the space of week. In-fucking-credible! Now, I'm off to bust through my mate's window with guns drawn in order to get my Dreamcast back...
InsideOut: Rush Rush Rally Racing DX
Hey Dreamcast fans! As it was Gagaman's InsideOut video of the standard version of Rush Rush Rally Racing the made me want to own the game, I thought it was only fitting that I made an InsideOut video of the DX version. This one is the alternate nighttime cover, which I bought from Play-Asia. Check out the video and let me know what you think!
I also tried to infuse my Crazy Taxi narrator impression. Enjoy!
Gamers Republic Scans c/o BIGMercenary
Dreamcast superfan and DCJY reader BIGMercenary was kind enough to scan some awesome articles from the magazine Gamers Republic. Do yourself a favor and check out his flickr photo stream which includes articles on classics like Shenmue and Power Stone 2 to oddities like Pen Pen TriIcelon and cult favorites like Evolution. I can't speak for him, but I'm sure this gallery will grow in time, so keep the address saved to your favorites!
Thanks BIGMercenary!
The Dreamroom Returns - Streaming Live on 9/9!
I'm happy to announce that the Dreamroom will return for the Dreamcast's 11th birthday! The official date and times are as follows:
September 9th, 2010
12am-11pm EST (US), 6pm-5am GMT (UK)
Last year was a blast, and I'm sure this year will be just as fun. For those who missed last year's Dreamroom, essentially it will be eleven hours of Dreamcast gaming streamed live online with live chat. The first half will be me going solo playing Dreamcast games. During the second half the IRL party kicks off with whoever I invited showing up for multiplayer games and the occasional visit to Seaman.
Games will be played from my library, and requests are welcomed! Expect to see some of the best, worst and delightfully oddest Dreamcast games. Of course a Dreamcast birthday party isn't a birthday party without the guests, so I hope to see everyone (virtually) there!
Paper Dreamcast Goodies
During a recent trip to visit the parents, I uncovered a few Dreamcast goodies in the remnants of my old bedroom (now the combination workout/storage room). The first of these goodies is a very cool flyer advertising the Dreamcast's US launch. As you see above, the cover is very minimalistic and follows that dark edgy aesthetic that was so popular in the late 90's.
The flyer opens to a cool render of the console, with the design and features detailed on the second page.
It opens once again to show screens from the two biggest launch titles: Sonic Adventure and NFL 2K. I loved this campaign.
The other side detailed the other launch titles as well as titles that released later in the fall, complete with screens. Overall, it's a very stylish and well designed promo item. Hey, it made me want to buy a Dreamcast!
Next up is a postcard advertising Phantasy Star Online. I found this at a sandwhich shop located next to my dorms in Chicago. They were given out via a little rack filled with cards advertising anything from vodkas to video games.
I had also found a Seaman postcard but forgot where I put it. However, it looked like this:
Finally we have a full-scale replica of Granda II! Okay, it's not that exciting, but it's sorta cool. These were put on display pre-release at stores like GameStop to advertise upcoming games. I received this along with a massive Sonic Shuffle box when I politely asked the store employee if I could have them.
Left: The imposter, Right: The real thing |
So there you have it! Paper Dreamcast goodies. Until next time, keep dreaming!
Join The SEGA Network Scrap Heap
Inspired by a discussion at The Saturn Junkyard, I've created a shared Flickr photo group called "The SEGA Network Scrap Heap"! The SGNW Scrap Heap is a shared album open to all readers and writers from the Sega Network blogs. The purpose of the Scrap Heap is to collect photos of our SEGA collections to create, well, a scrap heap of SEGA consoles, games, books and collectibles.
The only rules are that you may only upload photos of items you own, no fuzzy Google image searches, and that the items must pertain to SEGA. Feel free to show off your shelf of PS2 games, as long as there are SEGA games to be seen. No worries if a pesky Squaresoft or Nintendo game sneaks into the frame.
Check out the album here and start uploading!
GOAT Store Relaunch Announced!
For those who have no clue why a goat is smiling at them, that's the logo for The GOAT Store. The GOAT Store is an American online retailer of retro systems, games and accessories as well as a publisher and retailer of independent Dreamcast games (no worries international fans, they also ship to other countries). You may have heard of some of their releases, including their most notable: Cool Herders. GOAT Store also published the cool Feet of Fury, which plays like DDR with a battle mode, and includes a second game entitled Typing of Fury. As an indy game, it really is quite impressive!
Sounds pretty cool, eh? Well, luckily for Dreamcast fans, the GOAT Store has announced that they will be relauncing their website on 9-9-10! A recent press release has stated that the store will focus on the history of the Dreamcast releases that have come so far, as well as the people behind them. Anything that keeps the Dreamcast indy scene alive gets a thumbs up from me! Make sure to check them out on the Dreamcast's eleventh birthday and check out their press release for more information.
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