Sturmwind features in latest Retro Core

Retro Core is one of my personal favourite web shows about video games and is produced by Yakumo, the same man behind the excellent website Segagaga Domain. For the latest episode he has something special for us Dreamcast fans: a exclusive preview of upcoming redspotgames release Sturmwind! We get around 10 minutes of gameplay footage here, so if you were still on the fence about pre ordering this game, now we have plenty of footage to get a gist of what it will be like!

Personal opinion: I think it looks stunning and appears to be quite a fun mix of elements from all sorts of shmups like Gradius, Thunder Force and R Type. The production values are are simply unprecedented for an indie dreamcast game. I can't wait to get my mitts on this!

2012 Dreamcast game #3: Dux sequel Redux!

With Gunlord and Sturmwind due to released at some point this year, who would have thought we would get an announcement for a THIRD release for the Dreamcast in 2012? Sure enough, here comes a sequel to the 2009 shooter Dux. It looks to be pretty similar to the previous game but with much more fire power. What's really unusual is how this one is going about being released: with a kickstarter project.
For the project they need $25,000 pledged in a month to fund both the Dreamcast release, as well as releases for iOS, Playstation Network, Xbox Live Arcade and Stream, and finally a 4 disc soundtrack. Pledging $55 will get you the soundtrack, $65 would get you the Dreamcast game and $100 would get you both. Only 1000 copies of the Dreamcast game will be made, and this is the only way to grab one!

What's more, the game will be bundled with another update to the original DUX! So if you never bought the original this is not a bad deal if the new version is as much of an improvement as Pink Bullets was to Last Hope!

It's certainly a first for the Dreamcast scene to have a game funded by the fans in such a way. Could this be how future Dreamcast projects come to fruition? Either way the Dreamcast even in 2012 STILL refuses to die, thanks to these slightly batty but brilliant developers who love the console so much.

Update: The $25,000 target has been met in just 5 days! You can still pledge for a copy of the Dreamcast version for another 25 days so if you're planning to grab it make sure you do before them days are over! Congrats to the Redux team for hitting their target and well done Dreamcast fan base for supporting this so well! :)

It's a Dreamcast, yo!

Anyone following the blog should be familiar with that most interesting of hobbies that is spotting the Dreamcast, the Dreamcast logo or anything Dreamcast related anywhere, from movies to toilets and everything in between. Now, in a weird twist of fate, we actually got the artist behind a videoclip letting us know that it features a Dreamcast console, games and even a t-shirt. In case you've missed the single comment from the post below, UK hip-hop artist Nineties Boy released a song called Take Control, featuring a rather professional-looking videoclip that is basically a giant ad for SEGA and Wrestling (nice combination, I think I can see where he got his name from).

I got to admit that's not really my type of music, I don't listen to a lot of hip-hop, and when I do it's usually heavier (Mos Def), weirder (Aesop Rock) shit, but the video itself got me hooked right from the beginning when I saw a Jet Set Radio disc being popped in (being my very first game for the DC, excuse me if I get sentimental).

Props to Nineties Boy for reaching out to gamers everywhere ;)