It must be the lamest idea for a new blog, but I felt that the 'Yard might need a little brother for it's most esteemed of website topics. Plus, I've been posting all sorts of nonsense about other systems on this Dreamcast specific site.
So in order to invent an outlet for my more Saturn related leanings, I've come up with the Saturn Junkyard, basically a complete rip-off of Teeleecee's original idea, but about the Saturn. For fuck's sake....

Now this post is not just a plug for my new 'innovative' site, fuck no! 'Cos quite frankly, at the moment, in it's infancy, it's shite... But I just thought it might enable me to access it (and post) on Mozilla Firefox if I put a link on it! I can't upload images on AOL or IE, so right now it remains a piss poor foetus of a site.

I might also post a link to my blogger dashboard in the vague hope that it might facilitate the same thing.
For all of you regular readers please excuse this self indulgent piece of shite...

In order to qualify this frankly very self indulgent post, I thought I might show you a picture of my Dreamcast 'looky likey'.
Why it's Don Niu from Shenmue 2!

Fat, bald and not that good at posting... we're one of a kind!
Thanks for your patience dear readers, let me know what you think of the concept... Is it a worthwhile venture...????
By the way... I've just found out that the Sega Saturn is the favourite console of Lara Croft actress and serial ethnic baby adopter Angelina Jolie... who'd a thunk it??

Good night patient children wherever you are...
P.S. I need a new site 'cos you can almost count down the days till I'm kicked off this one....
(Resisting the distraction of angelina in shorts the elderly speaks... types... erm... comments)
the Saturn Junkyard is quite excellent, loads like a silver bullet, displays the most intense and graphic box art, and has the added attraction of your ascerbic wit and charm.... ah the nineties seasons of mist and mellow fruitless...
tonight i will chant in celebration, for verily the Saturn Junkyard pleases the great equilibrium.
try as i might i cannot find a comment link on yonder shiny blog, pray thouest enablest said comment link with speed...
now if you'll excuse i have some shorts to be looking at...
(...lost in reverie)
Well I don't quite know how I did it but a comment facility has nevertheless appeared. I was crying tears of bloggery frustration last night but now I'm a little more optimistic about the whole project!
How sad is this? I'm supposed to be on a night out tonight, a Christmas shindig with some very dear colleagues. I'm thinking I might leave early so I can get back to my computer...
Meh.... Who needs a jolly good time when one can blog about the Saturn! Just keep fighting those tech devils FK, and enlighten us on this sort-of-classic SEGA console.
Please do!
(joins Elderly in chanting)
I'll try Gnome , I'll try...
Right O' Another awesome SEGA blog!
I need to get a copy of Shemue 2 for dreamcast.
I already have a gameshark lite that would allow me to play PAL games.
If not the only way I could play it would be on *shiver* Xbox...
Thanks Caleb! Good to hear from you...
There are plenty of Shenmue 2 games available on www.ebay.co.uk (as opposed to .com) I don't know about shipping costs though, and the game can be a bit pricey yoo. Still it's the most awesome game I have ever played and I must have clocked up literally days playing it! thanks for popping into the other Yard...
father krishna,
I thought you where a DC lover and DC only, I never knew you preferred the saturn.
Mikey! Great to see you here! i'm a Sega fanboy! I love all their stuff! i was a genesis/megadrive addict, then bought a Saturn (against the advice of the sales guy who told me the PSX was gona dominate the market...PAH!)
I then went to PSX after pressure from my kids..., then PS2 (I know and I'm sorry dammit!) and only discovered the Dreamcast about two years after it's death!!
The Saturn which I still have next to my DC under my TV still remains a favourite!!!!
I played it tonight, only to find none of my three lightguns were functioning properly! PAH! and PAH! again...
post your comments on the Saturn Yard if you can spare a moment!
We can actually spare two of 'em :)
(...staggers in from the junkyard birthday bash... looks around....)
..sorry wrong roomm.... hic!...
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