Brand new Dreamcast port...and yes, it's a Shump.

The first release of Tyrian on the Dreamcast has snuck it's way on the off white box.

God, Dreamcast Homebrew devs must LOVE shumps.

It does have bugs. For example the instruction screen doesn't work. Some people also said it's a bit slow, but I didn't notice that much. As with most first releases you can't save games yet.

The arcade version of the game plays nicely enough and the analog control stick is supported.
Get it here:

Pulled from DCNewsUKat

Also there was a Golden Axe remake on the Dreamcast as well. Since I was out of the loop for a bit I forgot to mention this one before. It looks pretty sweet.


NebachadnezzaR said...

Looks interesting enough, but I think I'll wait for a better, maybe final, version before trying it out.

fatherkrishna said...

No harm in another Shump (shmup?) coming out for the DC, any development is welcome... :)