Dux is shipping out!

If you put in a pre-order for the latest indie Dreamcast shooter DUX, it's should be winging it's way to you from today, and according to the DC-Scene forums some people in Germany already have it. If you're one of those few and can type English, post in the comments with your impressions!

HUCAST put out some rather tasty preview photos of the final pressed boxes, both the regular and special edition, in their pretty DVD cases that can sit along side your other late Dreamcast shmups like Under Defeat and karous, if you were lucky enough to get your hands on those of course. Personally I have both editions ordered (the L.E with Play-Asia, so hopefully they don't let me down!) and they'll be sitting rather nidely besides Cosmic Smash and Segagaga, and also Last Hope Pink Bullets when it makes it way into the post.


henzenmann said...

I received the game yesterday :-) Here are some first impressions (I only made it to level 2 so far):

Packaging, presentation and music are very nice!

The gameplay is frustratingly hard at the beginning until you get used to it. Then it becomes addictive :)

Make sure you set visibility to "high" or even "perfect" in the options, otherwise you'll have a hard time distinguishing between background graphics and stuff you can collide with.

The different weapons seem unbalanced. I'm pretty much doomed unless I only pick up the "Hyper" weapon.

If you send off your "Pod", it sometimes gets lost...

The menus are so far the biggest annoyance. You can hardly tell the difference between selected (red) and non-selected items (orange).

Also, in the "Continue"-screen it says "Press start to continue", but it seems that every other button also continues the game, while usually in shmups any button except "Start" counts down the continue timeout... in fact I have not yet found a way to make it time out...

When you "Continue", you start from the beginning of the current level, but your score is kept - a deviation from the usual arcade scheme.

When you finally reach the "Game over" screen, it is not skipable and it is followed by a sequence explaining the game mechanics, which is also not skipable. So after you get "Game over", it takes what feels like a minute until you can start the game over...

Overall I'm satisfied with my purchase.

There are some annoyances in the user interface and the gameplay is not perfect, but it is solid enough to keep me wanting to play this game.

Barry the Nomad said...

At last! Still on the fence, but perhaps a Rummage video will help me decide. :)

Ribbon Black said...


I hope I don't regret only getting the standard edition. Haven't gotten an email from PA yet though. Henzenmann or anyone else, can you confirm if this game supports the VGA box?

I'll give my opinion once I get it too.

NebachadnezzaR said...

Like that guy from the Starcraft 2 trailer said:

"Hell...it's about time!"

Caleb said...

Can't wait to get this...

Barry the Nomad said...

How far are you at the moment, henzenmann?

henzenmann said...

I did not have time to play again, so still level two...

The box says VGA is supported, but I have not tried it yet. I only have a wide-screen TFT these days that does not interpolate to maintain aspect ratio, so there isn't much point in hooking up the VGA box...

Animated AF said...

It's arrived! :)
Will need to make some time to go play this later.

nick944 said...

If I didn't give up on this game a long time ago, I would love the DVD packageing for it!

DCbrotha said...

Any of you out there recieve DUX LE with the poster etc?