Imagine a Dreamcast console collection so huge, and a collector so casual about it, that you just want to punch a hole in the wall and cry in a corner. I think I've found it. Beware all who click below. Once you've finished, come back to this post (unless you've passed out):
Have you returned? Do you feel envy? I myself felt a mix between envy and hatred. Did you scroll down and read the his reply to being called "rich"? "I'm not rich, got a normal salary, only i´m collecting Dreamcast 5-6 years".
I'm not sure if I want to clap my hands or boil an egg on my forehead. Congrats! *grumble grumble*
I don't mean to come off as pissed off in the posting (I'm not angry), but it's in my opinion that collections this large deserve a bit of ribbing. :)
I agree, he must be friken rich to have THAT many Mint LE Dc's!
His comment was pretty lame wasn't it?
Nice find though, thanks for sharing.
He has a Dreamcast bike.
Why don't I have a Dreamcast bike!
Jesus! And I thought all that DC shite clogging up the cupboard in my gaff was excessive! Its an awesome collection, but one has to wonder what else he could have bought or done with the money! Ps, I didn't see a DC coat, so I've still got one up on him haha!
Wow scrolling through that I was wondering if the photos were ever gonna end. As far as the special edition consoles go, the only ones I'm really envious of is the Divers 3000 (because you cant get much cooler than what looks like a TV from the world of Space Channel 5 with a built in dreamcast) and the Sonic anniversary one, otherwise they are just the same console in different colours IMO (and is that Milka promo one for real? XD) Also the promo games are just the regular games on boring white discs, so I couldn't care less about those. I do however love all those box sets they did, the JSR and Space Channel 5 Part 2 ones especially, and he's got some stuff I've never even seen before.
It helps that he lives in Japan. Shipping costs are the number one reason us Westies don't have all those goodies. I am, however, very happy that I have a Dreameye.
I see he has no broadband adapters. :^O
No Dreameye here... but I do have a Dreamcast Karaoke unit! :)
Do the DC Karaoke units do anything? I know a internet connection is required and the the download service ended in 2006..
Unless the dev community has created karaoke software.
It's just... so.. beauiful! :,)
i never seen the MSR one. i like that. like the Claire Airbrush one too. i heard there were only a 5 of them.
"Dreamcast Resident Evil Claire: A promotional console made for Sega by Top-Airbrush studio in Germany, this model was not for sale, but was only a promo item. Only five were made. "
i like the jet set radio or any airbrushed ones too.
@Barry the Nomad: I don't think so. You are correct about the internet connection and not only was it discontinued like you say, but I believe it required a Japanese IP address. I just bought it because I am a Dreamcast nerd, and I wanted my old Japanese Dreamcast to look cool mounted on top of the Karaoke unit. :P
that's what I thought. ;) np, I want the same thing. A DC perched on an odd little karaoke unit with the Dreameye sat next to it. As it is, my Dreameye is one of the first thing visitors see when entering our apartment. THen, of couse, I have to give them the VisualPark demonstration.
Great Collection. That dude must be loaded, a lot of rich people say there not rich when they really are. The milka chocolate one is my fave.
I though that collection was amazing. Never even heard of 1/2 that stuff.
But i bet he has a small penis.
True. Or a good portion of his income goes towards buying the items. So really he may not be rich, he just does not have certain financial responsibilities that others may have.
Personally, were I to not have to pay rent, credit card bills and student loans, I could easily spend $1000 a month on gaming items. Of course, one would be much wiser to save that money. :)
...says the guy who plans to buy a bunch of Dreamcast stuff in NYC tomorrow. ;)
Wow now that was an impressive collection, the only thing I would want from it is, the Gundam console and the De la jet set radio and Space Channel 2 sets. Other than that I must say DAAAAAAAAAAAAAAANM haha.
I'll go and kill myself now ;)
I mean I'm a big fan & collector too, but this is ridiculous
i hope this guy actually plays the games. a waste having stuff and not even playing it.
True I mean if you just get the stuff to have laying around then whats the point. They are games, consoles, and accessories which are meant to be used. I myself have the Sakura Wars DC and use it frequently along with other items I have which hey I see as wasteful if I just have sitting around.
A few of his items are now on ebay. If negative equity wasn't such a bitch i'd remortgage my house for some of them!
Amazing collection. I really want the Dreamcast Coffee mug.....:)
wow...great collection.....
I can't imagine how many dollars are necessary for all these consoles.....
Peter is currently selling the collection. For example, I was bought Dreamcast Sports Edition. Unit is now coming from Spain to me (Turkey).
This is really bad. Because this is really perfect collection I've ever seen.
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