Good Dreamcastic Morning Episode 2

YouTuber and Dreamcast fan Pcwzrd13 has released the second episode of Good Dreamcastic Morning, the world's only Dreamcast-centric morning show! This new episode has plenty of content and is a good deal longer than the pilot, and segments include a guest spot from Adam Koralik, a look at the Dreamcast unveiling in the August 1998 issue of GamePro, and a brief glance at the unreleased game reveals from this very blog. Also, if you're interested in reading more about the mentioned Jet Grind Radio/Milwaukee incident, be sure to check this article out. As always, please feel free to visit and subscribe to Dreamcastic Channel for regular updates and gaming content.

On the subject of the unreleased games mentioned in the episode, Take The Bullet will be coming very soon. Intrigued? You should be...

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