Showing posts with label Primitive Nightmare. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Primitive Nightmare. Show all posts

Primitive Nightmare has Landed

Christ, I wish this snow would fuck off. Anyhow, you may remember a few weeks back I posted about a brand new indie DC release called Primitive Nightmare. Good news - it's arrived in free, fully downloadable form! Go here to find out more info about this retro-styled shooter and download the disk image. As Fuseki, the game's creator says on the site, all you need is Windows, a blank CD and either Discjuggler 4.X or higher, Alcohol 120% or BootDreams. There are also links on the site if you don't have any of those utilities. How helpful. I wish I could say the same for the local Council who still don't think it's necessary to grit the roads round here. I've already skidded off the ice and snow-covered road and into a field once in the past week. If it happens again, I'll be making their lives an Advanced Nightmare.

I personally havn't got round to giving Primitive Nightmare a playtest yet, but if you've already given it a whirl, feel free to post your experiences in the comments section. Right, I'm off to de-ice my windscreen...

Primitive Nightmare Inbound!

Word. Sorry for the complete lack of an Aerowings 2 review. The truth is that I still haven't really been able to get enough free time to actually sit down and play it properly. I could cobble together a review from the five minutes I've spent doing the training missions and the other reviews I've read elsewhere on the internet, but that ain't how we roll down at the 'Yard.

It's not all bad news though, oh no. I have recently been contacted by a reader who goes by the name of Fuseki. Why? Because Fuseki is releasing a brand new indie DC game, that's why! Planned for a January 2010 release (as a free, downloadable disk image, no less), Primitive Nightmare is an original-looking shoot 'em up that, to me at least, looks a bit like a retro Atari game. His words:

"The game is called Primitive Nightmare. It's an old-school style shooter
that combines elements of classic 80s arcade shooters with some strategic elements. The game is currently in the late WIP stage (I need to do a little more tweaking, and add instruction screens) but the gameplay itself is 99% finished. I hope to have it out as a freely downloadable disc image in January 2010 (a website should be up by then as well)."

Screens? Why, yes:

It's always good to hear from DCJY readers, and it's especially good when those readers are pumping out new software for our favourite undead console. All know the rest.