I noticed yesterday that even though with the Maracas I end up playing both teams, it boos at me if I let one of the teams win and cheers if I let the other team win. With this in mind I decided to try and make sure the team it cheers for me on wins, by deliberately playing crap with the other team. When it came to the 'Boo' team, I just shook the maraca lightly, hoping to just tap the ball. For some reason doing this made me get a homerun. What the hell?
Next time the team was on, I just sat the maraca on the floor, to see the character totally miss the ball. But he hits it. I leave it again, he hits it a different way. It was then it started to haunt me: was I even playing this game in the first place? I exit the game and go back into quick start mode and look at the options. Both players were CPU. I wasn't even playing this game the whole time, it was just making me think I was playing it. Shit.
Ok then, I thought, I've been playing a game that's just been doing what it likes and fooling me into thinking I'm actually swinging the maraca about to hit the ball, fine. So I made sure 1 Player was picked this time, to see how it really plays. Sure enough, the proper in-game layout is now in place, with the little square on the screen and the target. Moving the maraca about does indeed move the target about pretty well, if a little slow (but not as slow as in Rez) but here's the rich part: you can't hit the ball. Shake the maraca, anything, it just didn't let me hit it. What's more, you have to control the other players on the pitch, which is impossible with the maracas. Shit shit shit.

I also got some more cheap games from a boot sale last week. Both MSR and Quake III were games that I owned a while ago, but sold due to lack of interest, although I've been playing MSR a lot since I got it. The music ranges from the average to the downright ear-bleeding (Those rock songs are so cheesy and cliqued they make me want to vomit) and the game has it's frustrating moments but this time I'm going to play it properly rather than giving up a few levels in and just nabbing a complete save file like last time, which sucked all the game play out of it. Quake III is enjoyable with a mate over, but is annoying on your own as the first difficulty setting is too easy (because the enemies don't even shoot at you) and the one just after that is close to impossible. Maybe I just suck at it, although I didn't seem to when I used to own it and completed it. Eh, at least it's a bit better than Unreal Tournament. man that game is dull.
One last thing: I have something big planned for the Dreamcast Junkyard, which I’ve just started developing a couple days ago. Tom knows what I’m talking about, but it’s top secret for now, and probably won’t be ready for some time yet. Still, it’s big, I tells ya.
MSR: "It's not about how fast you drive, it's about DON'T TAP THAT WALL YOU ARSE MONKEY."
Nooooooooo! remove that bit about samba de baseball not working! You wouldnt believe how many forums are talking about it! And youre the only person in the world who owns both samba and WSB2K1! Do it discretley and know one'll know!
But I don't want people going into the game, playing it properly like I didn't, and noticing it doesn't work, then storming up here and calling us liars! The truth needs to be told overwise in the end we'll look like idiots for promotiong something that simply isn't true XD
very honest Gagaman. You have passed the test. MWA HA HAAAAAAAAA. etc.
A Liar can be a useful thing. On the other side, saying the truth can be absolutely hilarious!!!
I guess Baseball 2k1 will spend eternity inside a box after all
That game is better not being played anyway. In short: it sucks. If you want to play a good game of baseball try World Series Baseball on Xbox or MVP 2004 or 2005.
Heres something for yah-
I couldn't care less about the fact that it's a baseball game (sports sims of this fashio bore the pants off of me), but the fact that it fooled me into thinking I could play it Wii-style with the maracas is nasty on it's account XD
I think the need a next-gen fishing game... :)
With awesome visuals of course!
THEY not THE (oops!)
Ahahaha, very funny stuff about the non-compatability, but a damn shame at the same time.
Personally I think Quake III Arena is one of the best dreamcast-games ever, especially in multi-player.
Oh yeah, I almost forgot about that one- Played alot of that and the original Shenmue...
Hey guys, whats going on with Pierre? Is he still... alive?
Hmm, good point! I'll drop him an email.
Gagaman - just been on your Tea N Crumpets site. Very impressive stuff you got going on there. Loved the mouth-on-legs-with-tongue thing!
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