Dreamcast Collection - Sonic Adventure Trailer

Sonic Adventure is out today for the XBOX Live Arcade, check out the snazzy trailer SEGA put together! Bonus points for including the swirl logo. PlayStation users will have to wait a week for the game to hit PSN. While the delay is a shame for Sony fans, perhaps it was SEGA's choice to make them wait a week as a repercussion for supporting the PS2. I'm joking, I'm joking!

I've downloaded the game and played a good 15 minutes of Sonic's story and I have to say that I'm quite impressed! The game plays just as the Dreamcast version did, so yes there are the occasional glitches. Then again, just as an old car has its problems (you have to jiggle the keys to turn on the ignition!), if you're are accostomed to the flaws as one who played the Dreamcast game for years would be, you'll know how to avoid them. Basically what I'm trying to say is, if you played the game last week on the Dreamcast and enjoyed it, you'll enjoy it here.

There are also a number of cool features such as online leaderboards, a solid 60 fps framerate, achievements and the promise of DLC which is to include missions from the Gamecube's Sonic Adventure: DX as well as 360 avatar awards and items for use in the PS3's Home. Its also possible that the DLC will include the Game Gear games found in DX.

Obviously try it before you buy, but as a fan of the game I say pick it up! It has a helluva lot more content than most XBLA titles.


InsanityofAlex said...

now i wonder what the memmory card for the chao will look like now? and it was probably delayed cause tuesday passed and thats when psn gets updated

Eyz said...

At the end of the trailer...they really should had put a Dreamcast logo between the Xbox live and PSN ones :P

I guess Chao will be taken out of the game :/
Or partially!...

Barry the Nomad said...

Chao remain and have been upgraded to the SA2 sim, more actions are possible and on-screen propts tell you if you are about to pick them up or spin attack them. Also, the black market is available, so you can trade in-game rings for items. However no VMU mini-game.

Virus Alert said...

AS DLC they should ad Choa Adventure. like a VMU emulator, a Virtual Memory Unit if you will...