Dream Trance Rez Vibrator Video Review

The PlayStation 2 famously received a small and slightly odd peripheral in the form of the Rez Trance Vibrator, which was a small USB-powered block that would pulse and shake in time with the music while playing Tetsuya Mizuguchi's psychedelic masterpiece. Sadly, the DC was already in a body bag by the time the Trance Vibrator hit, so nothing of the sort was ever released for it.
Until now, that is. Fellow DCJY member Scott Marley (aka Sega Retro's Doc Eggfan) has created the world's first - and only - Dreamcast Rez vibration unit, Dream Trance...and he sent it to me to review. Please note that the Dream Trance only really mimics the functions of a standard Dreamcast rumble pack and doesn't vibrate in time with the game music, but it's a cool little device and demonstrates what can be achieved with a little imagination and technical know-how. Here's the video:

1080p is available from the video options menu

As stated, there's only one Dream Trance unit in existence at the moment - the one in the video. However, if people wish to own their own Dream Trance, please let us know in the comments and we'll see what we can do with regards to making them a reality for other Rez fans.
You can also find Ross's Rez Infinite first look mentioned in the video above by visiting this link.


SRV said...

Great overview. Thanks to you and the doc!

Tom Charnock said...

Thanks for watching - was a pleasure :)

Unknown said...

Its also on the xbox 360.

Tom Charnock said...

Yes but it's not a physical release. I love how that's the one thing you felt worth commenting on. Bravo.

Anthony817 said...

Pretty sure I remember some other guy making a dreamcast homebrew vibrator for his "Lady friend" as he put it lol. This was like years ago, and can't seem to locate the thread but I know somebody had made one at least once before. Still though, awesome seeing he made an official looking one.

Also see some guy made one for 360 here.


Unknown said...

Nice idea, but honestly I'd just buy it as a professionals painted black dreamcast jump pack (if it was reasonably priced though) which would fit my sega sports controller. Other idea which I think would work would be a Jump pack attached to a thin say 30x30 mat which vibrates as the jump pad does and it's sat on by the player, maybe immersing your whole body with the vibrations.

Beds Mate said...
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Abernathy Nabag said...

Weird thing is, I remember this existing as an official product for the Japanese version of Rez on the Dreamcast. I must have hallucinated it, but I even recall that it was white plastic and thinking it looked more like a mouse than a, um..., "multisensory fusion" device.

So, did more of these "Dream Trance" units ever get made? If not, I may have to make my own. I'm thinking that if the Dreamcast version of Rez doesn't directly output the rhythm to the controllers, it might make more sense to make something which relies on the pitch of the sound as a pulsing beat would be more enjoyable than the rumblepak.