The Dreamcast Junkyard, as I'm sure you're aware, is a trans-dimensional
hub of Dreamcast-related nonsense. When we're focusing our combined efforts to spread the love for Sega's final console in this realm though, we endeavour to embrace the world's fandom. To this end, you may have noticed the little Google Translate button down there on right (go on - have a look if you're viewing this on a desktop computer) so people of all denominations and speakers of all languages may enjoy our random blathering.
Hot off the press... |
Occasionally though, we are lucky enough to be invited to share our thoughts and Dreamcast knowledge with other entertainment media producers and recently I was invited to take part in an interview with French video games magazine JV Magazine (aka Culture Jeu Video) for their imminent Dreamcast special issue.
The magazine is now up to issue 33 and is a physical production that can be found on newsstands across France; and this Dreamcast-centric edition looks at all aspects of the Dreamcast's history and future. There's an interview with Yu Suzuki, in-depth looks at the Dreamcast's advertising campaigns, key games, and how the console came to be the much-loved underdog it is today. To be honest though, the main draw here is that I feature somewhere between those crisp pages. Yu Suzuki? Ha! Skip that and head right to the bit with me in it!
Naturally, I jest. I for one am looking forward to getting my hands on a copy of JV Magazine if only for the great-looking page designs - I certainly won't be able to read any of it as I can't speak (read?) French. I'm sure a lot of you who visit the Junkyard can and do do yourself a favour and spend a few Euros on this awesome magazine when it hits the streets on 22nd July.
Be sure to visit
JV Magazine's official website; and give them a follow on
Facebook and/or
Twitter if you have a penchant for news about games shared in the language of love (that's French, for the uninitiated).
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