This demo represents the first mission of the game and let you try the Hero Mode. The mission in this demo has some changes, so that the game's story won't be spoiled. The first mission in general is based upon the two Saber Rider series episodes 'Wild Horses Couldn't Drag Me Away' and 'Little Pardner.' In the final version, this level will have a few more story driven events and a different end boss. The current boss in the demo will later be a mini boss.
- Saber Rider Kickstarter Update 40
In light of this new demo, we reached out to lead developer Chris Straß for further info on the progress the game is making and he told us:
"The development of our game is challenging but we've made very good progress. I am very happy with the results and also with the great feedback so far. A big thank you goes to my small but fine team - without them it would not be possible. There is still a lot of work ahead but I am looking forward to a great game!"
- Chris Straß
So what do you think of the demo, or Saber Rider in general? Let us know in the comments or join the discussion in our Facebook group. You can also follow the game's development in the Saber Rider Facebook group here.
The game turned me on right away with its anime intro and smooth controls...
The I find out you can't duck under enemy bullets and I instantly hated it lmfao. Like wtf is the point of being able to duck if you can't dodge fire that way?
To be fair, if you could duck under enemy bullets, what the hell would be the challenge? You would just constantly duck and laugh at the fact nobody can hit you. Or, they could make enemies crouch as well I guess.
And yep, the Baker Credits was funny. Only amaterus back a game, real pros bake them.
Do amaterus eat the baked goods? XD
More like they bake amateurs lmfao...
And yeah just like in most similar games, you duck enemy fire unless they shoot low lol. Having to jump to dodge every bullet is pretty taxing...
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