Dreamcast Release Schedule 2018

As reported in March, JoshProd's next batch of Dreamcast titles will be available soon, and will include the likes of sides-scrolling beat-em-up Okinawa Rush, Flashback sequel Fade to Black, vertical shmup Battle Crust, and 2D Adventure game The Escapee. Unlike previous JoshProd batches, none of these are reprints of previous indie games and all are new ports to the Dreamcast, which is terribly exciting.

According to the French online store Rush On Game, these Dreamcast "Unreleases" will be available to order tomorrow, May 3.

In other "new" game news, JoshProd's first release for 2018 might have slipped you by under the radar. After releasing a PAL style reprint in 2017, a US/J-NTSC style release of Ghost Blade was released on March 23. We originally reported this as an exclusive to Video Games New York store, which was taking pre-orders in February, but the game has since showed up at Play-asia.com (link) and The Bit Station (link).
This is the Japanese cover, which is printed on the flip-side of the manual to the US-style cover.


Spaceturnip said...

Eagerly awaiting these ones, I'd say they are easily the best batch of Indie titles released at a time in the DC's history.
Slight caution though - the site had the date set to last week until relatively late, before changing to the 3rd, so i'm not counting on the date until I get my email notification come through!

hoogafanter said...

Just saw one of my facebook homies got that ghost blade. I'm excited to check it out...

Spaceturnip said...

And as I suspected.... date now says 10th May

Brian said...

I wonder if diablo 2 could run on the dreamcast?

Would also be cool to see super meat boy and Stardew Valley on the dc.

Heroes of might and magic 3 would also be sick.