A Christmas Wish....
Well, my house is now looking like Santa's grotto, festooned up to the rafters with tinsel and other shiny stuff.
Hackneyed old decorations have been dragged out of the loft, and I've resorted to crying like a baby at nostalgic old favourites such as "It's A Wonderful Life" and "Scrooge".
Whilst I tried to pretended in my last post that I hated Christmas, it was just a thinly veiled tissue of lies.
In fact, like the executives and software developers at Sega, I love this time of year! Now before you throw rocks at your monitor and beseige me with hate mail, let me qualify this frankly 'puffy' post.
I've decided to write a Christmas list. In the hopes that the old fat fucker in the ill fitting red suit, might somehow magically pick up on it, and drop the whole shitload down the chimney. That's my plan and I'm sticking to it...
So sit back, as I regail you with those things that would truly make my baggy, bloodshot eyes light up on Christmas morning, if my festive wishes came true...
No.1 on my wish list... Death Crimson OX. This light gun game was a U.S. only release, and the only game utilising my favourite peripheral, that I do not own. (As previously mentioned on this esteemed site the others are HOTD2, Confidential Mission and Virtua Cop 1&2 on the Sega Smash Pack...)
A late entry to the Dreamcast's software range, D.C.OX was released in 2001, pretty much towards the end of the Dreamcast's life. It was also universally panned as being a load of shite. I've not read one good review of this game since I first heard about it. IGN gave it 4.3 as a score...four point fucking three!!
The screenshots and video I've seen look pretty good, however... and the way I figure it, it's a lightgun game... where you shoot swordsmen, monsters and living skeletons... WHATS NOT TO LIKE?
At the end of the day you shoot things , on your telly, with a gun. You're going to have a laugh, however crap the game is... Or at least I will! Guns! Shooting! Monsters! Fun???? No shit, Sherlock!
No.2 on the list is Daytona USA 2001. I love driving games. My all time favourite is SegaRally- the original Saturn version, although I also love it's successor SR2 on the Dreamcast.
Having played the original Daytona USA in a museum-like arcade over the summer, (you can't beat sitting in a static car seat, pushing fake acceleraotrs and trying to wrestle a heavily weighted steering wheel whilst staring at a video monitor...) I then purchased the 'home play' version for my Saturn. 
That too was an excellent experience, thundering round each track, knocking other cars out of the way, and staring at Mount Rushmore-like visions of Sonic carved into the rock face.
And according to my esteemed colleague Teeleecee, the Dreamcast version is even better!

Better graphics, better gameplay, beter features... It's his favourite game, and thats a good enough recommendation for me... Onto the next...

No.3 Fighting Vipers 2! Again another title I've secured for the Saturn, is the pre-cursor to it's Dreamcast progeny. The original Fighting Vipers had very innovative gameplay for a fighting game. It's characters hit each other with items such as a guitar or BMX. Buxom lady fighters rollerbladed about before opening a can of 'whup ass' and beating the shit out of you.

The best feature however, was that if you knocked your opponent out of the ring, they would land on the floor only to be blown up! Although this does not result in lots of blood and guts, you do get the double satisfaction of delivering the killer blow, then seeing your opponent launched into the air with a bang!
I'm waiting for the Gagaman(n) to write a full review of this title, 'cos he was lucky enough to have procured it recently... (Come on Gagaman(n) put me out of my misery!!)
I can only imagine that the Dreamcast FV2 offers more great gameplay with distinctly better graphics. Plus I like owning both Saturn and Dreamcast versions of great titles...

No. 4 Recently discovered is this beautiful leopard skin edition DC controller.
Can't tell you much about this, but I've always had a thing for leopard skin. In fact, I'm currently posting this article, wearing only a very tight leopard skin thong.
Hey! Now that mental image is a Christmas treat for all you readers! Don't say I never give you anything...
No.5 'The Divers 2000' Dreamcast edition. This little beauty was discovered by Teeleecee a few posts back... I've never seen anything like it... A complete unit with T.V., DC, Keyboard, mouse and DC camera for internet video conferencing.
They're as rare as rocking horse shit and cost a fortune... So it's unlikely that I'll ever own one... But this is a wish list after all!
No.6 Huge chested, compulsive lying, Big Brother contestant and sad celebrity wannabe, mad African ex-nurse, Makosi.
Festively attired, with a stack of Strongbow Super and a big vegetarian fried breakfast. Well a man can dream can't he???
Before I go, can I also mention the new collaborative blog produced by Gnome and featuring the odd rambling post by me... The most excellent 'Gnome's Gaming On The Go.' You can find it at http://pocketgaming.blogspot.com/
Well I'm off now dear reader, worrying about how I've turned Tom's baby into a sad version of 'Loaded'- featuring the Dreamcast.
He'll be back soon to see how he trusted me to look after the 'Yard and I've turned it into a wankfest for lovers of large chests. Oh well, I'll probably be drummed off the team soon...
But until then, Goodnight dear children, wherever you are...
Death Crimson OX while using a leopard controller... Ah! Class! Perhaps even some moderate eye-sore and defiinitely not very handy, with Death Crimson OX being all light-gun ho etc!
Still, a brilliant post and one that gives me ideas, even though I really don't care a bit about Xmas. Love the days off though....
Cheers oh fatherest of Fathers!
(Nice to see our little cyber-hut mentioned too)
Alway's a pleasure, never a chore...
Now if only I could post a damn link...
I really need some lessons in blogging...
P.S. now that I've done me duties on the 'Yard it makes me free to put another one up on GGOTG!
Treamcast post on it's way soon...
I do not understand why you seem to love love Death Crimson OX so much.
It's not that great of a game. Maybe it's the whole unicorn effect of wanting what you can't get? Tell you what. If I ever find another copy here in America I will send you it.
(If you do get a copy trust me beware of the "Sword of the Stink" - that is NOT mud on that sword.)
Why not try to get the preclude to that game that was only released in Japan? I mean it's not like you really need to understand the words in the game. I have heard that that shooter is somewhat better than the original? Or was it worse?
Regardless it was a nice list of Christmas joy.
I never liked driving games that much and there are a bunch for sale at the thrift store that I have to pick up sometime.
As for the leopard skin controller...I am not saying anything.
Besides the bright blue VMU that I think "might" be a Hello Kitty VMU (it has a VMU graphic that kinda looks like a cat). I don't really have any "cosmetic" controllers for my dreamcast. (except for the one with the clear black faceplate, thats as fancy as it gets) I can't even bring myself to decal any of my older controllers.
Awesome post!
I'll tell you this much: FV2 isn't really much of a leap from the first game, and I couldn't really recommended it to anyone but fans of the original, as there are so many better fighters on the console.
Also, I haven't really been able to play it completely, because the disc I received was so scratched up that it stops running most of the time! I need to get my hands on one of those CD scratch removers (the good ones that actually buffer down a layer) and see if that works. Over wise, the game get stuck after a few rounds! No wonder it was so cheap!
More games I got recently: Power Stone 2, Pen Pen, Frame Gride and Psychic Force 2012.
"More games I got recently: Power Stone 2"
I hate you Gagaman.
Well Caleb, I've never played D.C.OX... So I can't say that I love it, but I definitely want to own it so I can pass judgement.
Sometimes I think game reviewers get to picky about features of games... Sega Smash pack has been slated about the reproduction of it's game's musical scores. This is something that I wouldn,t even notice, and even if I had, it wouldn't put me off playing it. Thus, I'd like to own it and play it myself. Plus in the UK it's a rarity, and as I class myself as a DC collector, rather than just a gamer, it's a game which would sit nicely with my other titles. I really appreciate your offer of purchase and mailing this way, very kind of you indeed!
And knowing your purchasing prowess, that seems like it may become a reality!!
Will nip over to Hunyak soon...
Gagaman(n) Good to hear from you as always! As mentioned in the post I do love the original gameplay! Plus the quirky items carried by the protagonists.
After playing DOA 2, I was compelled to buy the original DOA for the Saturn (on Japanese import.)
After playing Soul Caliber I was compelled to buy Soul Blade.
With both FV and Daytona USA, owning the originals for my Saturn has lead me to purchase their Dreamcast successors... And it's this compulsion that has left me a very skint man with a very unforgiving Mrs!
Power Stone 2 appears very often on Ebay, although it always gets a lot of bids. I was lucky enough to find it 2nd hand in a shop up Lakeside for £8.
Hey Father- I've seemed to of got caught up in your sketch a little more than I wanted too at this point.... There is no going back now!!!
I want to add a few things and then I will post it... Will let you know..
Aha! So the esteemes Father's novelised persona is progressing.. Excellent. Excellent.
Hurry up Deitrix I am too intrigued now!!!
P.s. Folks it's happening! my Christmas dream has come true... well part of it has come true...
Death Crimson OX for £15 inc. post & packaging...
Joy to the world!!!!!
(ligts he fireworks)
Let us know if it's any good, will you?
Will do gnome!
Daytona USA 2001 should be in my clutches by the 4th of January!
still within the festive period...
For the not too cheap cost of £12...
All courtesy of a great little shop known as 'Chips' check it out at www.chipsworld.co.uk
Only hours now till I unwrap Death Crimson OX... Merry Christmas one and all!!
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