Still! Its time for me to re-establish myself on the DCJY, if necessary for one last time... The subject? Great DC games to play with friends if you're throwing a Dreamcast Party... OK! After my last (uncensored) post, I came up with a few great games to play when you've got friends round... Thanks to the comments of my colleagues, I've come up with a few more

Virtua Athlete 2K: This is a great 4 player game! Button mashing is the order of the day, as your chosen player competes in a number of Olympic events! Whether it's hammer throwing, long jump, hurdles or the javelin, make sure your timing is right and your hitting those butons at precisely the right moment... Otherwise you're doomed to have your opponent laughing as they trump you for that points bonus at the end of the round... Highly playable, whatever your video game experience, and a great multi-player title... Let's move on shall we?

Powerstone 1 &2: OK! One of Capcom's finest! This anime inspired title, actually generated its own cartoon over the Pacific, in the land of the Rising Sun... OK we're looking at a hectic weapon based fighter, that matches frantic gameplay with crazy power ups and allows you to take your opponents to the cleaners with a wicked combo whilst you're strengthened by Power Rangers style machismo... Top Banana!

Sega World Wide Soccer (Euro Edition): The pinnacle of Dreamcast football games... Yes this was perhaps the BEST football game on the Dreamcast. Sort your friends and yourselves into some kind of Euro or International League and you'll be playing all night! It's at its best when you go to extra time and penalties. A truly wonderous title, perhaps one for the boys, but who knows? Maybe there are some ladies out there that could prove me very wrong, and give my Sheffield Wednesday squad a good spanking...

Dead Or Alive 2: There's nothing like a good ol' beat 'em up to level the playing field, and perhaps, after Soul Calibur, this is the Dreamcast's finest! Luscious graphics and a sublime arena destroying title, Dead Or Alive is a wondrous fighter! Pick your pugilist and stand back as this the mayhem unfolds! Happy days!

Ready 2 Rumble Boxing: Afro Thunder? Michael Jackson? Take your pick and slug it out till the final round till your protagonist is ready to stay sniffing canvas! This game lets you battle it out until you're ready to whap you're opponent out of the ring! And what a satisfying moment that is!! A great game that's as solidly Dreamcast as any other title you could think of!

Crazy Taxi 1 & 2: "OK! It's time to make some crazy money!" The Offspring will serenade you, as you're pitted against the clock, to squeeze as much cash as you can from the queuing punters that are lined up to make your fair! Crash and smash your way to the assigned destination in the minimum time... Sublime!

House Of The Dead 2: Light Guns at the ready as you battle your way against a horde of zombies to let the "Dogs Of The AMS" defeat the ever omnipotent Goldman. Two player
action never felt this good! And you can always access two player Zombie Revenge if you're struggling with HOTD2....

Typing Of The Dead: Light Guns letting you down? Then crack out your DC keyboards for a cleverer and funnier version of the affore mentioned title! This'll see you using your keyboard skills and typing dexterity to defeat the zombie hoarde!
Shenmue 2 (Duck Race) : A hidden gem within the best title ever for the Dreamcast, this mini-game sees you pitting your adopted fowl against other birds of Hong Kongs gambling community... Pick your duck, pledge some money and watch as the action unfolds...
Shenmue 2 (Duck Race) : A hidden gem within the best title ever for the Dreamcast, this mini-game sees you pitting your adopted fowl against other birds of Hong Kongs gambling community... Pick your duck, pledge some money and watch as the action unfolds...

I hope this post gets the response I'd hoped for... If it doesn't then this is my swan song from the DCJY!
And once again... "Goodnight children, wherever you are..."

It seems you have been putting that Dreamcast to good use you have some titles I really been wanting to get like PowerStone 2, Ready to rumble. I think we need to have a match on Typing of the Dead:)
As for the person who deleted FK's post can you give some details as to why?
Brilliant post Father and one of the rare ones (across the whole wild web) that mentions a duck race. Sheer class!
Well, I can tell you I didn't delete it. I had no problem with it being here, and wasn't as offended by it as I may of come across. Sorry if I came across a bit harsh, mate.
I really need to get back into Shenmue II and check out this Duck race thing!
Hi all.
I'm over 21 so anything goes with me.
As for party games ...only 1 really ...the great SAMBA DE AMIGO with the maracas of cause.
FK lives :)
Gary of zelda games
OMG, I never knew about the duck race!
BTW, I really missed you posts, the DCJY just wasn't the same without you around here.
And long live Virtua Athlete...
I am pretty sure I didn't delete that entry.
I dunno if I even can.
I still think the video was complete crap though.
I finally got a copy of Powerstone 2 though!
Superb games there. Typing of the Dead is pure bonkers genius. The Shenmue II Duck Race is a lovely little game too.
And FC consider this.
Of all the posts you have made here you have only gotten really bad feedback from one!
I have posted like 4 times here and I have already gotten more negative comments than you.
You shouldn't threaten to "take your ball and go home" just because of this one incident.
The post getting deleted is a bad thing but considering all the other posts you shouldn't consider this a personal insult or an attack on free speech.
Keep on posting. I am sure that this was just one incident and your future Dreamcast related posts will be great like this one was.
Powerstone 1 VS Powerstone 2 ???
If you have only 2 players go for Powerstone 1.
Excellent post Father
(bows to cult leader)
so much dreamcast loveliness, but like you i issa sad.... I click on the video link and still... no pron
the boxart eyecandy and exceptional prose... here on this illustrious shrine to the Dreamcast..... issa lovely, donna get me wrong... but a ickle bit of pron in the video.... please por favor
WOW! If I needed confirmation that my input is still valued I've got it!
It isn't a case of "take your ball and go home" its a case of having a fair few blogs to contribute to, and not needing to contribute content that wasn't welcomed...
The comment from the G-Man(n) was very much appreciated!
Caleb! I invited your content 'cos I knew it would add to the site's repertoire...
I'll be honest, the reactions to my posts are important to me!
Feedback matters to me...
If its negative I'm affected! Still rest assured, I'll keep posting! The DCJY is still my favourite blog of all time...
Let's hope its business as usual and I apologise if I've caused a scene...
The way I look at it, there isn't really much point to a blog if somemone removes stuff because they don't like it. I'd only delete something if it turned out to be spam, a hack, racist or went out of the reagions of taste (which probably means no hardcore porno, sorry!)
So do we know if it was Tom who deleted it?
Gagaman didn't.
I didn't. (I just checked, I can only edit and delete my own entries!)
And I suppose that FC would have known if he accidently deleted it...
I bitched and complained about the video in the comments and already made my points about it.
I suppose someone might have complained to blogger about the "n-word" being used.
That'd be the only explination I can think of. Tom didn't even see the topic I belive.
I dunno if it had copywritten music in the video.
A friend of mine had a video taken off Youtube with no warning because it had like a 3 second audio clip of the "Transformers" theme.
If that video had copywritten audio I suppose blogger could have taken down the whole post.
-That's why I only use public domain audio in my projects.
So lets put this whole controversy to bed... I over-reacted to the deletion. Got all hurt for no reason, decided to go away, and then couldn't resist coming back. heard some positive feedback, then felt all good again.
Lessons learned? Stop being over sensitive, post safe stuff that won't offend anyone and just enjoy being a contributor to the worlds greatest blog!
I hope that seals the deal and we can all get back to where we were...
PHEW! On to the next post...
Yeah but if was the copywrite thing any post that has a video with music in it can taken off.
I wish blogger would have left a message with someone saying exactly why that post was taken off.
Eh. Whatever.
"post safe stuff"
I disagree, I think that what makes this blog great is precisely the crazy posts we don't see anywhere else.
Yeah nebach if they took the post off because it had copywritten music in it had nothing to do with the content.
I am starting to think that this is one time deal. I don't think we have to worry much about the posts around here to become too normal.
I still wish blogger would f'ing tell us why the post was taken down. If it was taken down by blogger, it might have been some weird random glitch who knows.
Final point is that I am sure we are going to keep getting crazy posts here.
Man, I more or less bought a Dreamcast so my and my two best friends could play some epic multiplayer games, they are too good! Power Stone 2 and Quake III Arena I find to be just too fun!
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