Holy shite, who is this Dreamcast collecting nutter who just splashed out on this gigantic assortment of GD-Roms? Are they going to be played? Left to continue gathering dust in their sealed state? Used as bricks for a Dreamcast house utopia? Whoever just bought this: please get in contact with us and let us know please, so we can bow down to your superior/rich/insane self!
Biggest DC Collection on Ebay ever: SOLD.
Animated AF
Holy shite, who is this Dreamcast collecting nutter who just splashed out on this gigantic assortment of GD-Roms? Are they going to be played? Left to continue gathering dust in their sealed state? Used as bricks for a Dreamcast house utopia? Whoever just bought this: please get in contact with us and let us know please, so we can bow down to your superior/rich/insane self!
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You are all welcome to come to my place and play one of my many new Dreamcast games. Fist 500 visitors get to pick a game to open! I have to charge admission though, that $10,482.75 I placed on my credit card needs to be repaid asap.
Really though, if legitimately sold then that is insane/amazing! And here I was thinking I spent too much on a $15 auction.
Speaking of ebay, check out "Marvel vs. Capcom 2" prices. They are getting lower and lower! I just lost an auction at $24 (incl. shipping).
I can't believe that someone bought this. I guess they're a few eccentric rich people still out there.
Maybe he used his platinum card to buy it and now is in debt.
Maybe he's strewn the games about in a vault and dives around in them like a porpoise, burrows through them like a gopher, and tosses them up and lets them hit him on the head!
I'm gonna go with: "Used as bricks for a Dreamcast house utopia" for 500£, Mr. Gagaman(n). Now, in all seriousness: [/me] bows down to the individual that bought (pretty much) 8.000 € worth of Dreamcast games. If only we were in 1999 again... Well! At least we can finally that we found THE ultimate Dreamcast hardcore fan.
P.S.: Well, besides me obviously.
An ideia just popped into my head as I'm typing this: What are the chances of the guy that bought this giant collection of Dreamcast games being a pirate? Oh my God. It makes perfect sense! The secretism of of his identity, the orange gleam that emanates from the pile of Japanese Dreamcast jewel cases, the "buccaneer baiting" photo that is presented on the bidding page that shows all games STACKED on top of one another like.... I don't know... A TREASURE! THIS MAN IS GOING TO BURY THE GAMES ON A DESERTED ISLAND! SOMEBODY STOP HIM... or something.
This is Japanese gold. 500 games delivered in a stone chest to Eiichi Yukawa himself. Blood money paid to stem the slaughter he wreaked upon SEGA with his armies. But the greed of Yukawa was insatiable. So the heathen gods placed upon the games a terrible curse. Any mortal that removes but a disc from that stone chest shall be punished for eternity.
Speaking of Pirates, Do you think he is just going to bury them in some secret location so that in centuries to come someone will find it and know what true gaming really was?
I bet that it was some game store that is going to try and resell them.
Though the "crazy collector" theory might also be true.
Also, I was wondering how I put the links to all your blogspots on my new page.
I don't really know how to work this thing too well. If someone can give me some info It would be much appreciated.
Changed the web address but it still doesn't come up when I search for it on a search engine.
Franco, Select "customize" atop your blog and then select "Add a Gadget" and select the links gadget. You should be able to add them from there. :)
Hold on gents: TMZ.com has just reported that the fella that bought this collection of gin mint 10 Japanese Dreamcast games was.... The Pirate Formerly Known as RedBeard (or TPFKARB for short)! I was firstly doubtful that a pirate would be interested in buying Dreamcast games but... if TMZ reports, I'll trust it. Quite a shocker, I would say. I was expecting the buyer to finally reveal himself out to be somebody that would go by the anagrammatic name of "The Man of Gaga" ;) . Damn You, "Pirates of the Caribbean" movie series! You turned this no good rapscallions of men into entrepreneurs!
P.S.: We need to keep this "I wonder who bought this collection, and while we are guessing, let's make the probabilities of who was the real buyer, to be as absurd as they can get" game going until we really find out the identity of this guy. The Dreamcast-Junkyard shall report it first. Not you CNN, not you.
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