What's that? He has two games? Let's rotate and zoom in:

HA! It looks as though Eggman raided Sega's secret closet of unreleased games as he owns a copy of Dr. Eggman Adventure (you can see "Dr. E" and beneath that "Adv") as well as, what's this? A port of the Wii's NiGHTS Journey into Dreams!? Well, that or it could be the soundtrack, as the Dreamcast is also a CD player.
In other news, I just (mostly) completed my Official Dreamcast Magazine collection! All twelve numbered issues as well as the eleven magazine exclusive demo discs sitting pretty on my shelf. I said "mostly" as I have yet to get the preview issue number zero which hit newsstands in the summer of 1999. Someday it will be mine.
In any case, they make for excellent retro reading. The layout is beautiful and the articles are well worth reading even ten years later. Perhaps I'll make an ODCM tribute video for the Dreamcast Junkyard YouTube channel? :^o

HA! It looks as though Eggman raided Sega's secret closet of unreleased games as he owns a copy of Dr. Eggman Adventure (you can see "Dr. E" and beneath that "Adv") as well as, what's this? A port of the Wii's NiGHTS Journey into Dreams!? Well, that or it could be the soundtrack, as the Dreamcast is also a CD player.
In any case, they make for excellent retro reading. The layout is beautiful and the articles are well worth reading even ten years later. Perhaps I'll make an ODCM tribute video for the Dreamcast Junkyard YouTube channel? :^o
I have issue 0 and the free video, if youre interested email me with an offer rossoreilly05@aol.com
oh dreamcast magazine:) i have zero. I'm missing 2 issues myself though. and only have 2 demo disks...i really need to collect them now that i have a job/money
This was indeed a great discovery, Barry! I knew that Dr. Eggman wasn't that much of a bad guy. He wanted a NiGHTS port for the Dreamcast, for Zeus sake... and a game were we would be featured as the main star.. BUT HE WANTED A NiGHTS PORT FOR THE DC! Doesn't that count for something? I'd say it does! Oh, by the way, about the Dreamcast mags: back in the day I used to go to a book store near were I live (here in the village of Arouca in Portugal) and I used to buy them, but they were... in Spanish. Yeah, the version available in Portugal was the same version of the mag that was sold in Spain. I must have them somewhere. I gotta go find them. I'll holla at you later about this.
Bit of Blade Runner-esque jiggery-pokery there, eh Barry?! Nice find dude!
In one of the last cut scenes of the game where you see Robotnik in his egg-o-matic again you can see the 'eggman adventure' much clearer but I never knew about the Nights Journey of Dreams inclusion, haha!
I can only imagine how much fun Eggman Adventure would be! Eggman running about collecting baby animals for his robots, a sandwich sim, nap time, a DOA Paradise-style bikini mode :^X
be nice if you could scan those and make pdf's or something for people to see.0
Any chance you would scan them... i only have the Dec issue... and i would love to have at least all of them in Digital copy...
Can anyone describe to me what the front cover of issue 0 looks like? I'm confused with issue 0 and issue 1; I don't have either one. I am believing issue 1 is the Blue Sonic Hedghog. Thanks for any info.
Wasn't sure if my question was sent so apologies if this is a duplicate. Can anyone describe what the covers of issues 0 and 1 look like? I don't have either one and can't find anywhere that shows pics. Thanks for any info.
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