Something That Holds a Candle to the Dreamcast...

...would have to be a candle holder sporting the Dreamcast swirl!

File this one under "things that look like the Dreamcast logo". This time our swirly friend was spotted at a Whole Foods Market while the girlfriend and I were going about our weekly grocery shop. Whole Foods, for those not in the know, is a grocery store which sells both organic and "conventionally grown" produce, and national brands (aka their apples aren't infested with fruit flies and their bread actually is bread).

Whole Foods is also known for having a section of wacky spiritual products and new age meditation knickknacks. While waiting to pay I spotted this candle stand on the shelf and snapped a photo of it. The stand had a nice weight to it (just as a Dreamcast does), sported a familiar spiral (again, just as a Dreamcast does) and cost a reasonable $10.99 (the cost of a garage sale Dreamcast). I don't have too much more to write about it, so have another look at it:

Special thanks to my girlfriend for holding it in the above photo.


A Moomintroll said...

Oh look, some wallpaper that looks a bit like the Dreamcast logo... Link

Anonymous said...

Moomintroll, those are reverse swirls. :)

The Dreamcast logo swirls anti-clockwise into its center (like the candle holder).

Barry the Nomad said...

I ran the candle holder through the Dreamcast Logo-Tron 4000 and the "Swirl Index Rating" is 94%!


A Moomintroll said...

Anon: Silly me, how could make a mistake like that? I need to get one of those new fangled Dreamcast Logo-Tron 4000 Portables so I can measure Swirl accuracy on the go.

Barry the Nomad said...

To be fair to Moomintroll, when flipped the wallpaper swirl is roughly 92% a Dreamcast swirl. Rather impressive!

Tom Charnock said...

where's the VMU slot?!

Andrew said...

Try the sun-butter (sunflower seed butter as opposed to peanutbutter) and the hemp bread at Whole Foods. Both are well worth the price.

Barry the Nomad said...

Silly Tomleecee! The Sega Candlecast saves games via smoke trails of extinguished candles. Blowing out a flame powers the system off, controllers are wireless, existing only in our minds.