The Dreamcast Collection CONTEST!

CONTEST ENDED! Thanks for playing!

Hey there space cats! Barry here with great news: we're having a contest and it starts NOW! Thanks to our friends at SEGA of America comes Dreamcast Collection goodies that you, the readers, can win. What are the goodies and how do you win? Read on!

The Prizes

We're giving three lucky readers the chance to win one of these three prizes:
  • • One reader will win a copy of the Dreamcast Collection for the XBOX 360
  • • One reader will win a Dreamcast Collection vinyl record
  • • One reader will win a Dreamcast hooded sweatshirt, a brand new exclusive item from SEGA!
How to Enter

To enter all you need to do is answer the following:

Tell us your favorite moment from one of the games in the Dreamcast Collection. Could be a favorite cutscene quote, or a gameplay moment. Be nostalgic and be creative!

Email your name, mailing address and answer to: CONTEST ENDED! Thanks for playing!

Want to double your chances of winning?

Enter over at SEGA Network affiliate SEGAbits for a chance to win!

The contest will end next Tuesday on March 8th. Good luck!


Unknown said...

For me it would have to be when I finally mastered the crazy drift in Crazy Taxi, the game got alot easier after that.

LoveMHz said...

Favorite memory comes from just playing Crazy Taxi all day while jamming to Bad Religion and the Offspring.. Couldn't ask for anything better!

coneecheewa said...

I remember fondly going to the bowling alley with my best friend and us spending more time playing the Crazy Taxi arcade game than actually bowling. Ah, launching off that first hill was always such a thrill!

Unknown said...

Popping Sonic Adventure into my Dreamcast for the first time was one of the single most exciting moments of my video game history. I felt like I had waited so long to play the game, and finally it was on.

Anonymous said...

Mailing address in an email? Really? =/

Barry the Nomad said...

Better than leaving it in the comments section for all to see. :)

Trust me, I'm not going to exploit any info in the emails.

Jourdan Cameron (Manager) said...

I'd have to say Crazy Taxi when my dad got me the PC version, it was so insanely fun (nearly) hitting passengers, then hearing them complain and then just hop in.

Fallout911 said...

When I finally got all the pieces to the map in Alex-Kidd: High Tech World

Anonymous said...

I went into a Toys'R'Us when I was 14 (the game had just been released in the arcades) and saw a cabinette with Crazy Taxi. I tried it out and it blew me away. Just prior to that day I'd been getting into punk rock and I didn't believe my eyes OR my ears! Insane driving with NO respect for... well, for anything, with The Offspring in the background. I stood there and hogged the machine for quite some time and I thought to myself "no driving game will ever come close to this, how are we to move forward from this?!".

Nowadays I'm spoiled with the latest PS3/360-games and listen to really brutal punk rock but everytime I hear about The Offspring I end up plugging my Dreamcast in for a ride. And it still kicks f*cking ass.

Unknown said...

Hey sega my favorite moment is when you get a golden ring in sega when you have like no rings left keep up the good work sega

Unknown said...

I first experienced Sonic Adventure when I was 12 and very impressionable, and maybe a little spergy. I was so blown away by 3D Sonic characters speaking and moving that I immediately turned them into imaginary friends that I would have follow me everywhere. I wrote a terrible self-insert fanfic about the game, in which my character tried to convince the Sonic crew that they were just video game models, but still loved. I saved all of my money and bought every piece of Sonic merchandise I could find, which wasn't very easy to do back in the early 2000's. I even searched for the Sonic Adventure soundtrack for an entire year, even accidentally getting my grandparents scammed out of $30 to an out-of-business website (this was in like 2001, remember), before my father happened to score a vacation to Japan and found the soundtrack and its vocal minialbum companion in a CD store for me. I listened to nothing but this soundtrack for about two years. I even learned to play by ear some of the selections on piano, and made countless StepMania files to them also. To this day I still have rare Sonic Adventure posters and promotional merchandise all over my room, and talking Sonic dolls, and a custom-made Robotnik costume. But, thankfully (and it's hard to believe after reading all this), I never did get into the weird Sonic fetishism online.

L said...

Finishing off "The Emperor" on House of the Dead 2 and having a well earned arm rest.

DCGX said...

I sent an email but I'll post what I said here too:

My favorite moment is actually from two of the games: Sonic Adventure and Crazy Taxi. They were the first games I ever owned for my Dreamcast
(which I still have hooked up, meaning I've never had to replace it). I bought both games the same time I bought my Dreamcast. I was so excited to play both, but I put Crazy Taxi in first because of its
arcade nature, knowing I would get hooked on Sonic Adventure's longer
gameplay/story. The graphics are what really did it. I was going from the Nintendo 64 back to a Sega console and they blew me away. I
probably played Sonic Adventure for about two hours before I realized
I needed a VMU to save. Yeah I lost all my progress but I didn't even
care. That meant I just got to play some more the next day.

Animated AF said...

I played Crazy taxi so much when I bought it for the Dreamcast that, partly due to the nature of the Dreamcast analog stick but also due to how much I was playing it, I actually got a blister on my left thumb. had to stop playing it for a couple days while it healed, then got straight back in to it.

Raphael said...

Piece of cake for me: my favorite DC Collection moment was with Sonic Adventure, when I loved the game so much that I actually memorized all the dialogue in the demo screens:

"Step aside Amy, out of my way!"
"No! This robot is my friend, he helped me... Don't hurt him!"
*Sonic looks all awkward, then steps back and says:*
"Ooookay, whatever you say! You must have your own reasons."

"HEEEEEEEY! This ship is losing altitude!" - Tails

"Hurry Tails! Take Amy and get out of here!" - Sonic

"But what about you?" - Amy

"I'll find that Eggman and..." I forgot, I must play again...

Caleb said...

Well since I am a contributor here I don't feel right about entering.

Nothing stopping me from entering the Segabits contest though.

Good LUCK!

Tony said...

Playing Chu Chu Rocket when I was 10 and wondering, what was going on but still having an insane amount of fun.

Anonymous said...

The first time I played Shenmue after years of : I'll buy it, I'll buy it.
I was feeling like a baby!!!
Amazing game, the greatest of all the times!!!

Unknown said...

It has to be when me and my friend would both play Sonic Adventure 2 and be on the phone with each other starting a level at the same time and racing to see who can finish first, or get a better score. Our favorite stage would of course be City Escape. It was so much fun, to prove someone one, we'd shove the phone mic to the speaker of the TV to prove you won.

Unknown said...

I loved seeing the penis towers on the title screen for Power Stone 2.

sonicKAI said...

When I first played as Super Sonic in Sonic Adventure, when I got my first "AWESOME" ranking in Crazy Taxi, when I caught my first 9lb fish in Sega Bass fishing....

I can't pick one singular event.

jh said...

Weird as it is, I remember playing sonic adventure and being like "what's this whale following me for????"..... That was the funniest thing to me and my friends.... Good times

Anonymous said...

@The GagaMan(n) - you got A blister? that's nothing, I got way worse blisters from the Playstation d-pad than anyone's ever had from an analog stick, it's the price you paid for having awesome games. you didn't stop either you accepted it and played through the pain like a real child! :@
those were the good days, you don't get gaming injuries like that anymore...

Unknown said...

mine would have to be playing crazy taxi, i always remembered playing it on an arcade machine at our local roller skating rink

SchurmanFamily said...

I remember playing Crazy Taxi for the first time. I kept thinking, I can't believe they have real stores in this game! Cool!
Now there's a whole industry of in-game advertising.

Anonymous said...

I had stopped playing video games shortly before the Dreamcast came out. (I had an original Sega Genesis & the original SegaCD system). However Sonic brought me back to gaming when the GameBoy SP came out.

Cyphid said...

There is a ton load of memories about the Dreamcast! I think the first "wow" moment was when I experienced the crashing killer whale tailing behind Sonic, in Sonce Adventure. For some reason that scene has stayed with me for years and years...

Ryan Keys said...

In Sonic Adventure, when Tails and Sonic first land on the Egg Carrier, Sonic says 'No time to gawk now, we've got to rescue Amy' Tails greets this with a disgruntled look.

Soon after, just after the Egg Carrier changes shape Tails says 'Oh wow, it changed shape, did you see that?' and Sonic greets this with a look as if to say 'you're a complete idiot'

Just for some reason, this gave me the impression that instead of being the bestest buddies we think they are, with Tails idolising Sonic and being forever by his side as a faithful companion. They actually hated each other, and in those brief cut-scenes we saw a hit of their mutual animosity, and it is possibly one of the funniest things I've ever seen in a video game.

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

It must be in Sonic Adventure 2 when Sonic meets Shadow abd Shadow says:

"your not even good enough to be My fake"

Best qoute Ever in My opinion. Still get chills when hearing it!

Anonymous said...

I had some incredible moments with any game on Dreamcast, but I think the best I ocurred to me was one day, walking on the streets near my house, it was Christmas, and suddenly my brother saw on the corner of the street down a car something there. The surprise were 20.000 "Pesetas" (spanish old money) just Dreamcast costed!! Then we bought the Dc and Shenmue (I wanted the console for that game!), and we together enjoyed with all the games we could buy, it was my best console, and specially i enjoy much with Sonic adventure and the mini games like the chaos that were adorable x3 but my bro prefered crazy taxi moments or Phantasy star online I & II, this was our first experience on game online.. Was an unforgettable Christmas. Thanks Sega.

Kumkani said...

When the killer whale started chasing me in Sonic Adventure, thats when I realized how big a leap forward we made in games. it was a blast!

Unknown said...

I'm looking for dreamcast bloggers and mods for

Josh Forde said...

I love the first Benten level in Jet Set Radio. The first time I saw the environment, I was very impressed with the energized, rebellious night-life atmosphere that Smilebit managed to create, and how the music track ("Miller Ball Breakers") contributes to that mood.

Unknown said...

"Get a load of get a load of get a load of THIS!" ~ Dr. Robotnik while fighting Tails in SA2

Richard said...

My entire high school lunch time was spent at my buddy's place playing Powerstone 2 and Quake 3. It was he who got me hooked on the Dreamcast... I actually got a job just to buy one, and I still rock it to this day.

Setherial said...

Well I don't know if this is a Good Memory that your asking for but I remember back when Marvel Vs Capcom 2 came out on the Dreamcast me and my cousin played for hours, days, & weeks! It got to the point where all we did was play vs each other. I would always beat him till one day he reached his breaking point and he just snapped! He threw the controller on the floor and ripped out my Dreamcast system from my entertainment center and threw it out the window shattering the glass window and he than proceeded outside and started to kick the shit out of it. I was so mad but I couldn't stop him! oh man it was a crazy event for sure. He ended up buying me a new dream cast though about a month later... needless to say we didn't talk for the full month until he came over with the new system hahah.

Anonymous said...

Hello, My Name is Zikomo

As a young African American male growing up around a drug infested gang environment, my parents barley let me go outside to play or hang out. In 1999 on Christmas day i remember my brother sister and me opening all of our presents. My dad brought out one final present. when he open it we screamed and danced with joy. We had gotten a SEGA DREAMCAST with SONIC ADVENTURE and CRAZY TAXI and sega smash packvol 1. I spent countless hours playing NBA 2K2, vectorman, sonic the hedgehog, sonic adventure, sonic adventure 2, rayman 2, dead or alive Shenmue and Shining Force with my brother and sister.I also spent hours rapping to knuckles stages in sonic adventure 2. When we bought Marvel vs Capcom 2, my grades in school literally slipped. i spent hours playing and perfecting my craft with my brother. To this day my brother Doesn't want to admit im better than him. Jet set radio was also another one of my favorite games because i like the Hip-Hop art style and gameplay. Out of all the dreamcast games I played I spent the most time playing crazy taxi. I loved everything about that game. i know the whole soundtrack by heart. I spent hours getting mad because i was trying to beat the crazy box mode. Beating it gave a feeling of accomplishment. crazy taxi was also one of my favorites games because characters would be requested to be taken to tower records and kentucky fried chicken. I found that funny because i love chicken and i love records

I am 20 years old and i still play my dreamcast. I am also a hip hop producer. In hip hop you take the things that shaped you into the person that you've become and you express them. I take old records and video games and make songs out of them. Even if i dont win I would like to share this song that i made with you. Its called "Zikomo Shining" I made a beat out of one of the battle themes from Shining Force.

Thank you for filling my childhood with fun

Anonymous said...

Hello, My Name is Zikomo

As a young African American male growing up around a drug infested gang environment, my parents barley let me go outside to play or hang out. In 1999 on Christmas day i remember my brother sister and me opening all of our presents. My dad brought out one final present. when he open it we screamed and danced with joy. We had gotten a SEGA DREAMCAST with SONIC ADVENTURE and CRAZY TAXI and sega smash packvol 1. I spent countless hours playing NBA 2K2, vectorman, sonic the hedgehog, sonic adventure, sonic adventure 2, rayman 2, dead or alive Shenmue and Shining Force with my brother and sister.I also spent hours rapping to knuckles stages in sonic adventure 2. When we bought Marvel vs Capcom 2, my grades in school literally slipped. i spent hours playing and perfecting my craft with my brother. To this day my brother Doesn't want to admit im better than him. Jet set radio was also another one of my favorite games because i like the Hip-Hop art style and gameplay. Out of all the dreamcast games I played I spent the most time playing crazy taxi. I loved everything about that game. i know the whole soundtrack by heart. I spent hours getting mad because i was trying to beat the crazy box mode. Beating it gave a feeling of accomplishment. crazy taxi was also one of my favorites games because characters would be requested to be taken to tower records and kentucky fried chicken. I found that funny because i love chicken and i love records

I am 20 years old and i still play my dreamcast. I am also a hip hop producer. In hip hop you take the things that shaped you into the person that you've become and you express them. I take old records and video games and make songs out of them. Even if i dont win I would like to share this song that i made with you. Its called "Zikomo Shining" I made a beat out of one of the battle themes from Shining Force.

Thank you for filling my childhood with fun

Unknown said...

Watching my dad play Crazi Taxi. Quite possibly the only video game he has ever played that is not baseball, basketball, football, or hockey.

Unknown said...

SEGA Saturday!!
Posted Apr 9, 2011 8:51 pm [+7]
Well today is Saturday! and it's was also good weather her in New Jersey"Finally". So it started my day with a nice trip to I.H.O.P with my wife she's my sweets.
To plain my course of action to obtain some more Dream Cast Games.
but to my not of my powers my Suv needed to have a oil change and stuff in witch i was not planing on doing.
I had to get this done so it cramped my spending to getting lots down to "hey buddy can you spare a quarter" to passer bye's.
then i had to take my in-laws to Famous Dave's So right now I'm having with drawls to get some SEGA in My blood.
Thinking that all was done a smile grown on my face but then it was smashed.
My wife wanted me to take her to her sister's place.I couldn't catch a break!
Well with lots of Patience things turn around for me and wife told me Hey Baby would you like to do to your friends place like i was a little kid so i didn't have to stay a at his sis place.
and so the saga continues?
With what luck ! BINGO .....I hit my favorite game place Digital Press in Clifton N.J.
This place never lets me down I felt like norm of cheers as i walked in. The owner of the store
Was i got a game for ya :) and i got all giddy like a school girl.
It Was a copy of Plasma Sword! What!!!! and for $19 bucks.
and that not only that a extra controller the blue for around $7
also a copy Evolution 2 Mint. $12 dollars. So patience is a good thing.
So that was my SEGA Saturday. Til next Time.