Showing posts with label Bollocks. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Bollocks. Show all posts

Dreamcast-ius Clay

You've probably seen those excellent miniature Sega consoles you can get. They're super detailed and even come with tiny games and joypads an' shit - indeed, the Gagaman showcased his collection over at Sega Memories a few months ago. However, if you feel the need to spunk THIRTY DOLLARS on a vastly inferior tiny Dreamcast such as this:

Then click here. Ho ho! That's not a real link! HA HA HA! See what I did there?! No - click here. Kudos to the artist for recognizing the downright fucking brilliance of everyone's favourite under-appreciated console, but Jesus H. Christ - Stephen Hawking could probably fashion a more convincing model using just his own faeces encrusted nappy.

Actually, upon reading the site, it appears that the item has sold out. 

Egg + face = whogivesashit.