If you're reading this blog, there's a good chance that you're a fan of the Dreamcast. I mean, why else would you be here? And as fans of Sega's little 128 bit machine, we have numerous ways of enjoying the excellent game library – some of us like to stick to emulators on our souped up PC's, lacking the space required to have shelves of games. Others will have invested in one of the numerous mods available to have hundreds of DC games on your real-life Dreamcast at all times, a great way to experience titles that would otherwise be out of reach. Then there are those who do it old school – only play original discs on an original machine, and only the very best of the library.
Despite what some
people may tell you – all of these are completely legitimate ways
to enjoy the console if you so choose. We're one big happy Dreamcast
family, and there's no one out there able to tell you how to enjoy
your own precious time playing games. This also, however, goes for
those people out there who want to amass large collections. If you
want to have a ton of awesome Dreamcast games, consoles, merchandise
or collectables – that's cool too! Whilst collectors are sometimes
'frowned upon' by sectors of the Dreamcast community, there's
absolutely no denying that some of your collections are...
magnificent! And we at the DCJY, fine connoisseurs of everything Dreamcast, like many of you, love seeing what bits and pieces people have in their games rooms.
And that's where this
latest series of articles for the Dreamcast Junkyard comes in. We've
scoured our contact books, sent some begging e-mails, and genuinely
made a nuisance of ourselves, all in the pursuit of showcasing some
of the best, interesting and weird Dreamcast collections out there. We ask the collectors
themselves just why they do it, get them to show off some of their
wares, and hopefully showcase some rare bits whilst we do it!
But it's not only the
super-collectors who we'll showcase here. We want to take a look at
some of the more modest collections from other passionate Dreamcast
collectors, and so we'll be talking to some of those as well. Not everyone can afford, or indeed wants to own, a large collection, but they cherish what they have, and these passionate fans are the backbone of our little community.
We'll be bringing you the very first of these new articles very soon, but we'd love you (yes, YOU) to take part as well! If you have a Dreamcast collection you're just dying to share with the wider DC community, drop us a message through any of our various social media platforms.