Showing posts with label DCJAM 2016. Show all posts
Showing posts with label DCJAM 2016. Show all posts

Arkanoid Clone Dreamcastnoid Available Now!

It's 2017 and what better way to usher in the new year than with a brand new Dreamcast home-brew game? Dreamcastnoid: 128 Bit Wars is an entry to the DCJAM game jam we reported on last year, and comes from indie developer Alfonso Martinez. Alfonso is also working a visual novel style game known as Project Bennu at the moment, but he's obviously a pretty talented chap and took some time out over the recent festive period to knock together Dreamcastnoid.
As the name suggests, Dreamcastnoid is a stylised take on the old classic block-breaker Arkanoid but this version sees you take control of a rampant VMU whose sole purpose is to destroy PlayStation 2 consoles, controllers, boxes and...erm...wads of cash. It's a pretty fun little game and exactly the type of entry the DCJAM was intended for. There's a video below showing Dreamcastnoid in action, and you can download the game yourself here.

It comes as an mdf file which can be easily burnt to CD-R and played on a Dreamcast with Alcohol 120%, or alternatively you can chuck it at an emulator and play Dreamcastnoid that way. I spoke to Alfonso and he also told me there are some pretty cool cheats tucked away in Dreamcastnoid...but I'm not giving them away just yet! You can find more information about Dreamcastnoid over at Segasaturno. Enjoy!

DCJAM 2016: Dreamcast Homebrew Game Jam Starts September 2016

Are you a homebrew developer? Got an idea for a new Dreamcast game? Then this could be for you. Starting in September 2016 and running until January 2017, DCJAM 2016 is aiming to kick start (excuse the pun) the creative juices flowing through the dreamcast homebrew scene in an attempt to get more bedroom coders putting their ideas into action to create a whole new Dreamcast game jam spread across a period of several months. For those who aren't familiar, a game jam is generally a brainstorming and programming session where coders and designers can collaborate to create new and original software for whatever format the game jam is aimed at...and as you've already read, DCJAM 2016 is aimed squarely at those who may want to have a go at putting a game out on Sega's final system.

"Although there have been games released by independent developers on a commercial scale, there hasn't really been that large of a homebrew presence as there was before 2010. In the hopes of getting people interested, I thought that it would be wise to start a Dreamcast Game Jam. The Dreamcast is a great system to develop for, and it's relatively cheap to purchase.

The competition will run from September 09, 2016 to January 9th, 2017. Voting will last between the 9th and the 16th of January 2017. After the games are voted on, a compilation disk(s) will be created so that we have a nice collection of homebrew to play with."
- DCJAM 2016

We've seen some stunning homebrew titles hit the Dreamcast over the years and the community's appetite for new software is as voracious as ever; so if you think you're up to the challenge, why not get involved in this exciting jam session?

Check out the rules and join the jam by visiting the DCJAM 2016 site here.