Sega Lass Phishing

Being, frankly, the epicentre of the world, and not just the epicentre of all things Dreamcast related, we here at the Junkyard often find things in our inboxes that make us smile, chuckle or occasionally even guffaw. Somtimes it's a lovely email from a Nigerian gentleman asking that we kindly send him our bank account details so he may deposit $50,000,000 of his inheritance, in order to hide it from corrupt government officials. If we agree, he explains that he will reimburse us 5% of said $50,000,000. How nice - especially if it was your birthday the day before. Other emails, however, promise simply to improve the length, girth and retractibility of our cocks. Being both extremely well endowed and owner of a small fortune though, I find these emails of negligable importance.

Today though, imagine my suprise when I discovered this in my inbox:

Not quite sure what this add-on does, but I'm pretty certain it wasn't released in the PAL territories.

Oh, and kudos to DK for finding it :D


gnome said...

I used to have one... Must be somewhere... Stashed in the basement perhaps.. Who knows... Oh, and it was PAL.

nac said...

Wonder where she has hidden the VMUs.

Porroe said...

That is quite possibly the greatest add-on ever, don't know its official use, but I know what I would do with it

gnome said...

It didn't do much... Did only a few things...

Tom Charnock said...

what - like wash up, cook and moan?

Animated AF said...

And the hit counter has just gone through the roof.

Anonymous said...

Caption: 'I want to f**k your Dre*mca*t up my a**e!' call 0898 446677

Anonymous said...

That's one of the ugliest rugs I've ever seen.

gnome said...

It does have a certain rustikcharm though... Almost rural it is...

Oh, and Tomleece, I really can't say.