Download the I Have a Dreamcast EP!

The I Have a Dreamcast guys have released the EP as a free download! They had a live performance of the album, and some more DC playing goodness last night. There are 8 tracks in MP3 format in the download:

The Pianosaurus - Green Hill Drone

Bicycles & Gravel - A Song for the Dreamcast

Gemini Cricket - Dreamcast Vision
Grey Milk - Venice is Dying
Bicycles & Gravel - Curious Console
The South Will Rave Again - I Fell in Love Playing Marvel vs. Capcom
I Have Read Other Books Besides The Catcher in the Rye - To Beat, From Gum
Captain #1 - Bring Sega Back

Oh, I'm so making some Dreamcast videos with these songs in them. Amazing stuff.


Panta said...

Thanks again for all the support. I just posted a slightly remastered version of the album (I fixed "Venice is Dying" and "To Beat, From Gum"). The bass/master volume was a bit wacky with those tracks. Now all is better. I wanted to let you know incase you use them in your future videos.

Speaking of videos, let us know whenever you put some together we'd love to see them. Making the record was a lot of fun, I'm glad we get to share it with other Sega fans.

We'll post info about ordering physical copies of the record later this week (in case anyone is interested), as well as a little bit more insight/info about the folks involved.

Animated AF said...

A physical copy eh? I don't suppose you're looking for an illustrator for the cover art are you? Hint hint :)

fatherkrishna said...

Downloading it now... I've got big hopes for this...

Barry the Nomad said...

Sweet album! I'm considering album art myself, maybe making a "fan-made version" :)

I listened to the tracks on the way to work. I like the JSR one the most.