Zombies have been a big theme in my life lately.
I am going to be participating in a Zombie Walk tonight. (That's where a bunch of people dress up as zombies and walk around town, self explanatory really.) If there is a chance, I am also going to be shooting some footage of the event for my public access cable TV show.
I have also organized a free movie night at the library where we will be showing some great movies including "Nosferatu" and "Night of the Living Dead".
And therein lies the tenuous connection to the Dreamcast...
Go to the DC Evolution site to get your very own copy of "Night of the Living Dead" to play in your Dreamcast!
Yes, the famous 1968 film by George Romero (which was never meant to be released into the public domain so soon) is perhaps the most awesome movie available in the public domain! It has been called the first modern horror film and the first and greatest zombie movie of all time.
So now the Undead Console can play one of the great undead films of all time! All for the cost of a CD-R!
DC Evolution has three other awesome public access horror movies formatted to play on a Dreamcast. So visit their site.
IMDB Night of the Living Dead.
Wikipedia about Night of the Living Dead.
All Hail the Undead Console!
Holy Crap! Caleb, I love your devotion to putting quality events on at the public library. The film night sounds really cool! I'm going to attempt to get that CDr off of the DC Evolution website, but in the probable event that i'm unsuccessful, would you be able to burn me a pal version to send over the pond? You know I'll reciprocate the gesture in some way...
You really don't need to get the Dreamcast version.
You can see Night of the Living Dead pretty much anywhere on the Internet.
George Romero has stated that the only way to watch his film is on the Dreamcast. I don't have a direct link to the quote, but you can trust me he said it.
Speaking of burning Dreamcast discs, I am a failure at it. I really want to run Dream Explorer (a.k.a VMU Tool).
Get Bootdreams Install it.
Download CDI of whatever you want to burn.
Start BootDreams and choose "CDI Burner". Now click on "Browse" and point BootDreams to the CDI you would like to burn.
Click on "Burn CDI Image".
You have put in a CD-R
The night of the Living Dead is in RAR form though so you have to unpack it first.
So you would have to get Winrar and use it to unpack the CDI.
So yeah. Actually considering it that is actually a lot of steps.
So, back to my original begging/request, could you do us a PAL one Caleb? C'mon dude! I want one that plays on my Dreamcast! I actually own a DVD of the movie, being the zombie nut that I am...
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