Yukawa Prepaid Cash Cards Are Not Worth $90

...unless of course they have $90 on them and are unexpired.

I'm not one to post ebay auctions, but I thought this was a unique enough one to mention and the seller offered a high res image worthy of sharing. The auction is for a set of six QUO prepaid cards featuring Senior Managing Director of Sega Hidekazu Yukawa. During the Dreamcast days, Yukawa appeared in commercials, had his own video game and appeared on a variety of products such as phone chotchkies and the aforementioned prepaid cards.

Middle row, right column is my fave

While I myself have a variety of other Sega things that I would rather blow my money on, I invite any Sega fan who reads this to buy it just so that said buyer can give us high res scans of each card.

The seller's image is great, but I'm looking for something so high res that I can just print it on heavy card stock and have essentially the same thing but at no cost. ;) Until then, enjoy the image above.

Wonder how these cards were distributed? Check out this nifty article on Yukawa's Sonic Adventure Sweepstakes!

12/16 Update: The cash cards are still unsold. However this item was just sold to me for $14.50. I already had the Yukawa Dreamcast box, the Yukawa game and the Yukawa What's Shenmue? demo, so a phone dongle was the next obvious purchase.


Hairyman said...

I think it's safe to say you're a bit mental Barry :)

Barry the Nomad said...

To be this mental takes AGES.
To be...

well, you know the rest.

Lee said...

I love the key chain. Sega had a pretty unique way of making cool items for fans.

A Moomintroll said...

Why on earth would anyone want picture No.1 on there card?
Just imagine what's going on in the poor shop assistants mind as they're passed a card with a picture of a middle aged Japanese man apparently in pain.

Tom Charnock said...

Ha ha, gotta agree with Moomintroll's comment on the pictures! That keyring is pretty cool though. I'd love some kind of little mini DC keyring. Sigh. And that Aerowings 2 review should be up soon. Been a bit busy recently so not had time to do much fun stuff. I gotta get out of this chicken shit oufit.

John-Pieter said...

From what i've seen,pictures of a middle-aged japanese man classifies as a "normal" card.
It's Japan we're talking about,seriously they'll have much weirder stuff.

Andrew said...

This is the weirdest shit ever. I guess not actually, just normal japanese shit.

Hairyman said...

Why are you dressed as chicken shit Tomleecee?

Tom Charnock said...

Lol! Hairyman, it was a reference to a line in the film Aliens. I'm in the navy you see

The Golden Cat said...

You're all mad.