Among the 50+ games represented, one will find a load of sweet Jet Grind Radio artwork, large enough for desktop use. Space Channel 5 treats Ulala fans to many fap-worthy images (can I say "fap" on this blog?) and Seaman is larger than life!
If this is Seaman's eye, imagine how big HE must be!

Did the dog/cat/baby/wife pee on your favorite Dreamcast game, destroying the lovely package art? No worries! The FTP features many covers, all of them from the original file. No scans here!
Click to imbiggen
A large portion of the images found within the folders are screencaps, but the occasional rarely seen image can be found. Sega Bass Fishing features some impressivly large images of bass, while Crazy Taxi 2 offers this unique image:

I'll end this entry with an enormous image of Nozomi. Visit the goodies page and share YOUR favorite image findings in the comments section.

I'll end this entry with an enormous image of Nozomi. Visit the goodies page and share YOUR favorite image findings in the comments section.
Hah, great link, lots of good bits there... too bad there are no Rez PR images in the lot!
Yeah, There's some really cool stuff in there.
I dread to think how long some of those hi-res images would have taken to load back in the days of dial up.
Oh my:
Holy crap! The Bomberman folder has super mega high res art of B-man in a photoshop format.
Thanks for that link ! Title screen are great for Guardiana :P
Thanks a lot for the link ;)
;_; I didn't find those awesome PSO posters that came with some magazines
I would pay for having these in High Rresolution
I had a PSO strategy guide that had some art found as high res images in the PSO folder, specifically the drawing of the item shops and characters chilling in the woods.
"The FTP features many covers, all of them from the original file. No scans here!"
And I do believe you can say fap on this blog ^^
Wow. Can you really get a Dreamcast on your back in PSO????
I need to check this out.
Awesome, though at least for me some of the images were corrupt about half way through them. Does any one know of a quick and easy way I could save all of this stuff without having to save every individual file separate? This stuff could prove very handy.
I was getting corrupted files too :(
And second on an easy way to DL everything! Perhaps if one could visit the site via an FTP client, then one could be possible to select all and save at once. I'll have to try it tonight.
@Caleb Yeah! They also have a Saturn and (I think) Genesis. I had a Saturn mag, but lost it in a massive admin sweep of hacked items. Turns out my Saturn was a hack that I received in a trade.
How to DL multiple files:
• Open your FTP application of choice (I use Fetch on the Mac)
• Enter: ftp://segapr.segaamerica.com/SEGA_ARCHIVES/Dreamcast_Games/
as the hostname
• Connect
• Select multiple folders, download in one swoop and enjoy!
Dreamcast porn?
Thanks Barry! Grabbing it all at the moment, may take a while. :)
2 words:
Beautiful stuff. Needed a download manager to get some of the stuff to download, though. But worth it.
I used to use this all the time to make covers. It went offline after a few weeks of my using it, and was gone for about a week, so, I figured that it was accidentally left on there and my using it had ticked them off about their bandwidth and pulled it. Thanks for posting this up again!
Thank you so much for the link. You've given me something I've always wanted :)
Not working again. Anybody knows if there is a torrent or ftp where one could download the art again?
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