Castlevania: Resurrection is one of the most infamous 'lost' games for the Dreamcast - a hi-res 3D update of Konami's beloved vampire-slaying, castle exporing gothic horror series, built from the ground up for Sega's (then) new system. Back in the early days of the Dreamcast's life, screenshots were shown off in magazines and the hype train had left the station and was pelting along nicely...but then said train entered a tunnel and disappeared - much like Konami's support for Sega's system (well, outside of Track & Field, Deadly Skies, Pop 'n Music and, erm, The Grinch).
Recently though, after an investigation by renowned Dreamcast detective Comby Laurent (incidentally the same person who discovered the Agartha demo a few years ago), a video has appeared on YouTube titled 'Castlevania Resurrection Exists!,' which shows that yes...Castlevania: Resurrection indeed exists in playable form. Uploaded by a user by the name of cvr exists (obviously), it shows various portions of the game, along with a sort of debug menu of sections that are playable. Here's the video:
Now, it being pretty close to early April at the current time I was a little skeptical when I first learned of this video (which at the time of writing is about 10 minutes ago - thanks for interrupting my Snow Runner session, Lewis), but having watched it several times I can see no reason to think it isn't entirely genuine. The use of a Dreamcast System Disc 2 to boot a GD-R, plus the familiar hand written text on the Castlevania: Resurrection disc, along with a fairly consistent all looks legit. Plus, y'know, the guy is actually playing the game on the screen, with a controller and all that. So yeah.
Like other previously long lost games for the Dreamcast recently being brought to the fore, this is what might be considered something of a big deal for preservationists and gamers alike. Least of all because for the last 20 years Castlevania: Resurrection was thought to be nothing more than a concept; thought to be pure fugazi - nothing more than a collection of mock-up screens and thin air. This video shows it is not, and boy we cannot wait for this thing to be dumped online! Thoughts? Let us know in the comments!
Title image courtesy of Castlevania Crypt, main source Sega Dreamcast Info by Comby Laurent.
I've been peeking information about CV:R for a long time now, maybe this will help fans who wish to get more information quickly (although, I still did not updated the website with that video because of personal projects)
I hope that one day we will be capable to play this E3 Demo
Lets see what comes out of this..
I should probably credit Lewis here for sending me a random link to a YouTube video while I was trying to play Snow Runner. Lewis XD
Call me BATS but are you sure we aren’t all being taken for SUCKERS? If this is true then the STAKES are pretty high if it doesn’t get dumped. Oooh that would make my BLOOD boil.
I’ll get my coat.
A dream come true!! Or almost. It looks that nobody tell more about it in the last few days and the bid on ebay looks that was finished or didn't go anywhere. Anyway, I hope to play this prototype in any form soon. The golden dream, speaking about cancelled games still the leaking of the LAST EXISTING BUILD of: Castlevania Resurrection, Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver 2, Gunvalkrye, Heavy Metal: F.A.K.K.², Shinobi, Grand Prix 3, Sega GT 2002, Legend of the Blade Masters, Galleon, Picassio, Quark and even Geist Force and Agartha (looks that maybe it can exist some later builds comparing to the ones that were already leaked on the internet, take into account the cancelation dates from both games). The perfect dream was if SEGA and the other companies leaking the last build + source code themselves, but that sounds almost impossible :-(
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