Dreamcast Memoribilia! Swoosh.
That's right folks, there's no better way to celebrate your wonderful white box all over the place then to decorate your gaming room with toys and other merchandisables from your favourite Dreamcast games! That's what I've found myself doing, anyway. Well, not exclusively Dreamcast stuff, but Sega stuff in general, because they own my soul. I'll just stick to stuff from DC games so I won't be here all night.
First off, action figures! Everyone loves those right? Well, you'll be pleased to now that there's actually quite a few out there based on Dreamcast games. First off, the most obvious, Sonic Adventure. While there's truckloads of Sonic consumables out there (Trust me, I own quite a collection myself), these following were actually made to promote Sonic Adventure back in 1999. After flickering through the Argos catalogue you may actually recognise these three talking figures here...
..because Sega recently re-released these to promote the anime series Sonic X. They didn't even bother to change the voices to the Sonic X ones, and for some reason they made the Sonic one look rather odd...
...his gonna get a neck cramp like that. Anyway, the next one is a whole lot nicer. This limited edition is quite big, and comes with a big Sonic emblem thingy that talks, and it came in a splendid box. There was also a series of smaller figures of this style, but I've never been able to get my mitts on them. They even did Big and Gamma! I want them so much.
Next up: House of the Dead 2. This rather lovely set of four came my way rather recently at boot sales brand new for £3 a piece. They even have the Dreamcast swirly on the back of the boxes, which is nice. One of them is out of his box because it was all beaten up (I bought that one else where, before the whole set popped up by the tub load.) I kept them in their boxes because I simpliy have no where to put them. The back of the boxes also show off that there was a series of Space Channel 5 figures. I need those.

Crazy Taxi! This toy was actually released rather the Dreamcast's commercial "death" and was actually promoting the PS2 port (sic.). There was also another one from Crazy taxi 3 on the Xbox, but I haven't come across that yet. This was from a whole series of Sega toys that also includes the Monkeyball characters, some Virtua Fighter 4 blokes, and Sonic 'n' Shadow. This one is the cutest, however, because it comes with little plug-in passengers, including that fat guy who always wants to go to the baseball arena to eat hotdogs.
Now this one is vaguely Dreamcast related, as Tron Bonnie and her little robot helpers are my favourite picks in Marvel Vs Capcom 2, only in that she is stomping around in a huge green robot. Whatever the case, think this is hella cute.
Speaking of 2D fighters, here's my Street Fighter collection. This photo is old so it's missing the two Capcom Vs SNK 2 figures I got last xmas, and the lighting does them no justice, but I've had these since 2001, and there's a ew 3rd Strike characters in there, which is nice.
Shifting away from action figures, here's something you won't see everyday: a book about going online with the Dreamcast published back in '99. because I didn't own a PC back then, the Dreamcast was my main source of the interwebs, so this boo went everywhere with me, hence why it's now so battered up. It even helped me out with setting up my first website "SegaGaga" (which later became the web comic MangaGaga). I signed up to Angelfire, and disconnected every time I went into the HTML editor to save money, then I would go onto the Chu Chu Rocket chat and plug the site with a shortcut key. Ahh, memories.
Finally, here's an interesting piece that you can pretty easily find on Ebay pretty cheap. Released for just two days online when you ordered Sonic Adventure 2, this is the 10th anniversary box set, complete with a music CD, gold coin and a little history book. They were only selling it on Dream Arena in very limited numbers back in 2001, and you had to go on there and order it from midnight before it was gone. I tried to get through, but when hundreds of people hit a website at the same time and you're using a 33kb modem...things are a little slow, and I didn't get through. People soon slapped these onto Ebay for around £50, but after a few weeks it was apparent that there was loads of these things, so it's values shot down and I nabbed myself one a few months later (by then I had a PC) for around £15. It even had a Japanese import Sonic Adventure 2 included!

One last thing: I took some more photos of my collection of DC stuff today out of sheer boredom, and I didn't want to make a whole new topic just to show off with, so here's the photos. I'm such a show off it's not even healthy. The 2nd image is made up of 3 photos joined together, which is way it looks funny in places, but with it you can see he covers of every game I own. Full view is a must.

I might make a 2nd topic like this one day, so watch out! Also, I think we can all agree that Sega Freaks seems to be a dead blog now, can't we? For those who wonder how I keep churning out these long posts, it's because I've been doing naff all else. Samba De Amigo, Seaman, Sega marine Fishing and MAME4ALL have taken over my life as of recently.
OK. I'm impressed. A lot.
Damn, man! That is a serious collection you've got goin on. I'm hoping to get a bigger place to do my ever growing game collection adequate justice.
You never come across much in terms of figurines out west, which I suppose is good, or I'd be spending rent money on crazy taxi vehicles too!
Chad hit the nail on the head - it's rent or games for me too. If only I could live inside my Dreamcast!
Well, normally I find this stuff pretty cheap which is why I have so much of it. Plus I'm notliving on my own just yet ;p
Car boots are definatley the way forward!
Great post, btw - you've got some interesting collectibles there. I used to have a big Paul Phoenix figure, but I'm sure one of my ex-mates robbed it. Fuck it. Tekken's wank anyway.
I like the figures, espcially the Trone Bonne and Street Fighter ones, even though improved, nicer Street Fighter figures were released last year. I own a few gaming figures myself.
Tronne Bonne on PSX is a kick ass game, too. Be sure to check that one out.
I dont like how the PAL DC covers look, with that huge blue logo and those oversized spines...
Nice post.
I agree with ross on the boxes - the PAL ones are an absolute disgrace.
Close up, I actually didn't like the new SF figures as much as the ones I own. The new ones have more articulation, but my old Resurus ones look more like them, IMO.
As clunky as the PAL boxes are, I really like the use of blue on them. Crazy Taxi and Samba De Amigo in particular looks quite lovely in PAL form.
Hmm, I see you've got Maken X there. What's it like? definatley a game I'm interested in and one of the few DC releases I've never played
Since I see neither "Virtual On 2" nor "Power Stone 2", your collection FAILS! ;P Track down copies of these DC exclusive (well, for a bit longer with PS 2, anyway) awesome fighters at once!
Stunning collection, literally stunning. You need a Treamcast to put the icing on this very delicious looking cake of a collection... If only they did not cost a squillion pounds ( New - £400 inc. postage actually)Having got a sense of your car boot skills you'll probably pick one up fo a quid somewhere...
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