Following hot on the already flaming heels of Father Krishna's fucking ace post about his (worrying) 'platonic' love for his Treamcast (see below), I thought it was about time that we dove deep into the murky pool of the obscure, took a huge lung-filling gulp and then slowly drowned.
And with that slightly macabre analogy, let me introduce the fittingly named Divers 2000 CX-1:

Looking like the illegitimate bastard nightmare child of an old style Apple iMac and a Chao, the Divers 2000 is, for all intents and purposes, an all in one Dreamcast - but where it differs from the Treamcast is that it is actually an officially licensed Sega product. The target audience for such a hideous creation isn't immediatley clear upon first glance...and after a good hundred more glances you'll still probably be none the wiser as to whom, or indeed what, the Divers 2000 is aimed at.

Featuring an integrated CRT monitor, Dreamcast console, 4 contoller ports, top loading GD-Rom tray and TV tuning capabilities, it's probably not that bad a guess that the Divers 2000 was intended to be a sort of all-in-one multimedia unit that did everything - played games, surfed the internet, allowed video conferencing (via the bundled camera), played music, and showed TV through an internal receiver. However, one question burns me like a poker ripped straight from Satan's furnace and shoved straight up my ringpiece:
Why not just use a normal Dreamcast plugged into a fucking telly?!
Show me more, please Guv'nor. Or I'll pick your eyes out, chew them up and then spit the resulting mass of iris, pupil and jelly back in your face. Cough.
And as if showcasing the Divers 2000 wasn't enough, there's more.
Yes, this guy recently became one of the coolest guitarists on the planet (fuck Hendrix) when he revealed this:

It's an Amp in the form of a Dreamcast. Bill S. Preston Esq is probably turning in his squalid dole scrounger flat as I write this; sour that some other guy thought of it first, put the pics up on the net, and reaped the glory. While all he did was ride the wave of Wyld Stallyns' meagre success, fall off the Keanu Reeves bandwagon and fade into vodka soaked obscurity.
Want more?! Well how's this - my latest review of the massively wierd, lazy and overall quite shit Stupid Invaders over at Defunct Games - still the net's ultimate resource for retro reviews and articles. Go there now!
Gasp! How did this thing of rare beauty escape my attention!!! OH! MY! GOD! I can see the divorce papers being served right now as I re-mortgage my house, sell the three gingers to gypsies, and sell my arse down Canal Street in order to raise funds to purchase this...Surely the ULTIMATE Dreamcast obsessive's wank-fest?! Any idea how much this little darling cost then or indeed,now? Or how many were produced? God I need one! NOW!
BTW be careful TLC, when dissing (in the following order...)
a.)Liz McDonald
b.)Jimi Hendrix
c.)Wyld Stallions
They are all close to my heart...
P.S. I never tried to imply my relationship with my Treamcast was only Platonic! LOL
Excellent post!
Cheers! I'm not sure about availibility or cost, but the Divers 2000 is pretty rare on these shores according to a quick Google, and would probably cost you (nowadays) somewhere in the region of a grand...not counting the cost of importing the thing. If you're still up for getting one, I'd suggest working canal street around the clock!
That Drivers TV thingy is aimed at me! "Why not just plug a Dreamcast into a telly?" You could also say "Why not just plug a guitar into a regular amp?" =P
When seeing how much they go for, however, I think I'll just stick to the normal console: When it very rarely shows up on Ebay, it can go for up to £700. I'm not kidding, this thing is pretty god dam rare. I believe they only made a few hundred of them, and they wern't sold just anywhere, either.
Apologies Gagaman. I was simply marvelling at someone else's creativity and applauding it. An idea that apparently seems alien to you...
This makes me wonder...
If I get my hands on a VGA adapter, old E-Mac, Dreamcast and keyboard could I make something like this?
And what the hell is the use of the little horn things on the top???????
So the TV Dreamcast combo thing isn't creative either? I think it's awesome, as is the amp thing. hell, anything with a Dreamcast built in turns to gold. No need to snap at me, Tom..
Caleb - According to another website, the two antennae things are supposedly for hanging wires over - possibly ones that go from the controller ports at the bottom to the camera that may be positioned on top. Maybe...
Gagaman - agreed!
Oh dear, the Dreamcast Junkyard is so lively and ace and stuff and I don't even have the time to enjoy it. In a platonic way of course...
Keep it up boys.
Oh dear, the Dreamcast Junkyard is so lively and ace and stuff and I don't even have the time to enjoy it. In a platonic way of course...
Keep it up boys.
Great to see you back Gnome! where ya been? We missed yer pr0n presence!
I could see having that stuff for collection purposes, but I would never mess with them much...
Would wrather hook up to a big tv and also surf the net on a larger monitor as well...
Gnome is there an echo in here..? Im having the same problem over at my site.. as you know already! ;)
If you did alittle more research on the Divers 2000 you will find that it also comes with MIDI ports http://www.dreamcastgallery.com/dc/gallery.asp?selected_console_id=5 on the back for those musician types that wanted to use the O.To.I.Re: Dreamcast Sequencer. The MIDI Cables that were available for the Dreamcast itself are made of "unobtanium". Unless you happened to be in japan when the Dreamcast was rockin'. Just a tidbit for ya.
very cool place with some cool gear http://www.dreamcastgallery.com
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