First there was this here Blog, then the YouTube account and now we bring to you...
There's much, much more planned, though. I plan to get up separate profiles of EVERY Dreamcast release, including box art, screenshots, and a Youtube video to stream from it. It's going to be a long task, but I've been preparing this for months now, and just need to get the load I've done so far online. There will also eventually be profiles for every piece of hardware released, and what games each of them work with.
Obviously, I can't do all of this myself, so I'm going to be hiring staff to help me out. Want to help out on this massive project? Sign up to and E-mail me with your username, and I'll sign you up to the Wiki's member list, where you will be able to add and edit articles. Before you start writing up game profiles, however, wait till I have mine all up. Here comes the naff propaganda poster!

This my dear Gagaman is so impressive, I'll just faint over here... Hope to start helping you in a month or two...
Why contribute to the Wiki at DCS instead?
Now I forgot all about that one. Thanks for making what I thought was a good idea worthless =D
never heard of a 'wiki' before. I feel I'm being left behind by all this advanced interweb stuff
Its not worthless! The time you made mocking up the poster was well spent looks ace!
Well, it appears DC-Scene have done more or less what I had planned already, including profiles for many commercial games complete with box art. Bugger =E
Go on Gagaman do it! Yours would be much better! Plus it would bring people to the Yard! Fuck 'em!
kick their Wiki arse! Go Gaga! Go Gaga! etc...
Not feeling very civilized today, are we father?
Erm.. yeah! Am I getting a bit territorial? Ooh! Embrace the world... Live and let live! I'm a vegetarian for flip's sake... and a pacifist for the record! But yeah... for the Yard I'd kill 'em all... Notice i've even refrained from swearing... Fuckers let me at 'em... LOL! Go on Father cross yerself and get to bed!
Yes voices in my head I will...
That's got a load of pictures of DC hardware to use... site seems abandoned. I guess if you put them into a nice easyily accessible format, instead of Javascript menu (ie Wiki), the creator wouldn't mind spreading the love of dreamcast.
I think a proper Wiki, instead of dreamcast-scene's would be good.... preferably one without all of the advertising. I can provide free hosting and bandwidth for the wiki if you want. My web space doesn't get used much and is going to waste
Erm, we covered the Dreamcast Gallery aeons ago...
He doesn't mean just linking to it, Tomleecee, he means using the infomation and images for pages at the Junkyard Wiki.
Free Hosting would be very nice, as wikiplaces does contain ads. Only thing is I wouldn't know how to manage a Wiki from scratch.
Ah, I see. No harm done!
So, what about all those games already covered/reviewed/articled at
And, count me in to do some spanish translations (if wanted of course).
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