I've revived Sega Freaks, now 'Sega Memories'.
Just to let you guys here know, I've decided to revive my old Sega Blog project, under the new name of Sega Memories. Having a rummage in my loft, sorting out all the odd Sonic stuff I collected as a kid inspired me to bring it back. Before I felt the blog didn't have a key focus, like how the Junkyard family of blogs each focus on a Sega console, and I think that's why I ended up leaving it behind. Now, the blog will mainly focus on the non-gaming side of my Sega obsession: the culture, music, merchandise, advertising...anything. If you missed my articles about Sega World, the Sega Tour Bus, Sega Trading cards and that Educational film starring Outrun, they're all back up. New articles will be up soon! End Plug!
I don't get... why aren't there any comments on the blog or on this post?
You tell me! =(
Ross was here.
And I'll check it out :-)
The new site is excellent Gagaman(n)! Top marks for the ongoing Sega love!
Excellent job Gagaman, excellent!
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