Cryptic Allusion, makers of the finest video game featuring a samuari duck, were recently interviewed in the Escapist.
Even though Cryptic Allusion seems to be trying to move in new directions the vast bulk of the interview had to do with the white wonder machine.
Including the following tidbit...
"I don't see the homebrew scene really opening up unless Sega decided to get involved with KallistiOS to help it along, filling in the gaps and, in the process, recreating it as a true dev-kit. I don't see this happening in the near future, but I suppose an old Dreamcast engineer could pop up somewhere. I want to point out that I do not know of anyone out there even considering this. Don't think of it as a rumor." -"Hot Rod" Roddy Toomim (Escapist, 139 March 4th 2008)
TOO LATE! It's out on the interwebs and is now FIRMLY A RUMOR. It's as real as the Dreamcast 2. Accept it Toomim. Just accept it...
In any case they seem to think that there will be a Dreamcast revival in about 10 years. I had my estimates for about 5-6. We will just have to wait and see who is closer.
It was mentioned they felt the Dreamcast was somewhat of a fickle machine, prone to breaking down. I heard this so often I now have like 5 Dreamcasts as backups but none of them have broken to the point of no return. In fact the only problem I have had (control board fuse) was easily fixed. Maybe I am just not as "hardcore" as other gamers???
They were also somewhat understandably skeptical about the future of Sega making hardware. I chose to ignore that paragraph just like I ignore reality since the year 2000.
The Escapist has great articles on gaming to read if you are bored.
All Hail the Undead Console.
All Hail the Dreamcast.
Cryptic Allusion rules! I love Feet of Fury (which you can still buy new for $15 I think) and I really can't wait for Donk!
Donk! will be the greatest Samurai Duck based game anyone has seen in YEARS.
My console is still fine, too. Just had to open it up 3 or 4 times to calibrate the laser and fix the reset problem. The years pass by and it's still kicking ass! :D
It probably will kick even more ass in the future, since there's a chance I'll be getting an HDTV and you all know what that means... VGA for the win!
Yeah - I had that controller board fuse problem with my (singular) DC a few years back. The speaker wire I wrapped around the legs of said blown fuse is still going strong! BOOYAH!
I feel an Ode to Speaker Wire coming on...
Sadly I went the high tech route and soldered new fuse in...'s...
...It's a Sony brand fuse...
...I feel so ashamed. But it was the best fix and I couldn't find another fuse.
It's no more shameful than using bleem, me thinks... :/
Ok, it is, you have Sony in your Dreamcast. Oh noes! :O
i think this could be interesting
go to
and klick on the banner, you can register youre dreamcast ..
Is using Bleem dirty? I love my Bleem discs and can't tell you how fine it was to rediscover Tekken 3 after a few years without it!
I find it hilarious that no one gives two shits about homebrew games, but jizz all over emulators for the DC. Just check out the comments on ZERO for homebrew games, tons for emulators.
Originality counts for shit these days, I guess...
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