The Emperor's New Clothes

Wahey! Welcome to the third generation of The Dreamcast Junkyard! Thought it was looking a bit tired around here so I spent today sprucing the place up a bit - no point going out boozing when there's important work to do. I realise that other members of the team may have (much) more creative skill than me when it comes to graphic design - Gagaman, I'm looking at you - but seeing as this place was originally my baby, I thought it only right that I put my ham-fist to it...

Hope you like it - and we'll have no more talk about these 'new' blogger templates. Or else... ;D

Edit: Yes, I took the advice. The 'Yard has entered the 24th Century. Or something.


Animated AF said...

The new blogger templates are really not a lot different to the old one, except that it works better, has more useful buttons, easier to edit etc. But each to their own.

I still think the background looks nasty though. Images repeating themselves on infinite as wallpapers died out even before the Dreamcast did! But again, it's your site so do as you please =P

Tom Charnock said...

Fair comment - I see your point. Consider it rectified...

Animated AF said...

I think the only snag with switching to the new template is you'd have to back up the codes for some of the side stuff somewhere to re-put it back in, as switching would lose that lot as it would vanish (like the hit counter, video reel etc). Adding links and new tabs is easy with it though.

Tom Charnock said...

Leave it with me dude - I'll have a play about!

Tom Charnock said...

On a different note - how KICK ASS is the new title banner?! Took me about 3 hours and an archaic copy of Photoshop 6.0 to do that!

varicocele said...

Looks good and thanks for keeping the dream alive.

Tom Charnock said...

Cheers Matt - and as you can see, I bowed to the pressure to convert to a new template...and very good it is too...!

hotmissb said...

owwwww baby bear u are soooooo clever and the background is fab
anyway its late im tired! u big navy man u! we all live in a navy submarine....................................................................................................................

Animated AF said...

Hey nice one getting it over to the new template, can be a pain in the arse that can. Finally we don't need to go through the month things to see posts older than the ones on the front page. Looks better without that wallpaper too =)

Ross said...

I'm really liking the new design - out with the old, in with the new!

Dreamcasting said...

This is such a nice place to Visit!!!
Great work with the site, looks fresh. I deal with dc lovers all over the world and everyones heard of the site.
Great work keep it up.

NebachadnezzaR said...

Man, imagine my surprise when I came here and saw this new look! Great work, Tom, really great! :)