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Sorry. Wrong number. |
After finding this item (it's out of stock by the way, and is likely to be so
But what is the Dreamphone exactly? Well, according to the eStarland listing it was only available through Sega's Dream Point Bank - a Japan-only loyalty service where points earned through the purchase of software could be exchanged for exclusive Dreamcast-related items. It seems that the Dreamphone was indeed such an item and using the previously mentioned Way Back Machine I found the following images (but no description) on the now-defunct Dreamcast Gallery site:
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That headpiece looks...comfortable. Um. |
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4000 points well spent. |
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Not bad for 5 minutes work in Apple Preview, eh? |
I'd really like to know if anyone reading this owned one of these super-rare devices, or if anyone still has one in their collection. If you did/do, please get in touch or let us know in the comments.
Update: I also found this page which has a tiny image (above) of the Dreamphone on it, but the original page has now gone and can't be reached with Way Back Machine either.
Update 2: Assembler Games forum user Pinepot supplied this new information: "The following blog entry by a Japanese guy who accidentally found the 'Dreamphone' and wonders for how much he should sell it provides two additional photos..." You can find the blog here - it's in Japanese but can be translated by Google or whatever - and the images are reproduced below.
Thanks to Pinepot for that - it appears that we're forming the internet's largest repository of Dreamphone images and information here without even realising.
Update 3: The Dreamphone is now listed over at Sega Retro thanks to this article. Thanks to fellow DCJY team member Scott (aka Doc Eggfan) for adding it to the wiki.
Update 4: It seems that a member of our Facebook Group, Dennis Herr had one of these things all the while! Here are some more exclusive photos:
Feel free to use them, but please give a credit it you do.
Update 5: Thanks to some more detective work by friend of the Junkyard Pcwzrd, it looks as though the origins of the Dreamphone have been found. This Japanese blog post from 1998 features a description and review of the Fujitsu My Phone YT8100, and looking at the images above from Dennis Herr, the naming on the back of the unit corresponds. Here's a photo of the My Phone next to a Pokemon handheld:
Further to this, it appears that the My Phone YT8100 was also produced by Sharper Image (possibly under license in the US) and marketed as a device for enhancing the volume of telephone calls.
So there we are. The Dreamphone was in fact a third party device rebranded with a Dreamcast logo and stuffed into a Dream Point Bank box. In a matter of days a mystery has sprung up and thanks to the awesome Dreamcast community it has been solved.
Right, that's enough Dreamphone stuff for one lifetime. Thanks all!
Wow thanks for sharing this info Tom, really amazing but enigmatic device. What with such little info out there, it seems like you might never learn more about it than what your research has shown. Nevertheless great obscure piece of Dreamcast history.
Thanks Anthony. I'm still dumbfounded when I stumble across Dreamcast stuff I'd never heard of - the number of secrets hidden in the console's hardware back catalogue is bewildering. Who knwos what other poorly-documented things we'll discover! Furthermore, it really just highlights how much effort Sega put into this console and with every discovery the financial ruin it left the company in makes more sense.
What is the yellow thing with the screen in the last tiny picture?
It's a Casio Dreamcast-branded pocket TV
This is awesome! I need one! :-D
Another dark dreamcast peripherals ,I couldn't find any info about is the Dreamcast red joypad in hands of Bernie Stolar in a Dreamcast prerelease picture. Write on Google Bernie Stolar Dreamcast, you can find him in a picture with a red Dreamcast joypad,look at the start button. It s round
It could be used in conjunction with Dreamcall as of Planetweb 2.62 as well
Man, I really want one of these...
Dreamcast... you never cease to amaze me :D
Back in the days of dial up internet there were lots of products that would allow you to use phone line while using internet. Only thing most had a time limit for the calls, if I remember correctly it was a minute or so any longer and it would disconnect the internet. I assume that this probably works in a similar way. You have to remember that back then the internet was a new thing and it wasn't very advanced yet. I remember people going crazy for T1 line connections back then. Now that is slower than the slowest DSL line. How times have changed.
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