So what do we want you to do? Simple! Simply scroll to the bottom of this article and click on the voting link. You'll then be whisked away to our sparkly form, where you can enter up to a maximum of 20 of your favourite game titles (in no particular order) and then we will get our hired team of professional stat bods/shaven monkeys to do the hard part.
But wait, that's not all! We're also keen to give the developers who keep the DC gaming scene alive some recognition too, and so to go along with the new poll, we'd like to see what you think the best commercially available indie titles are. Along with the top Dreamcast titles, we'd like to see the indie titles you have been most impressed by (up to a maximum of 5). If an indie title is one of your top overall titles? Stick them in both lists! Closing date for voting is October 20th 2016, so you have plenty of time to get thinking.
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The last DCJY awards ceremony took place in Aaron's living room. |
Results will be announced at a future date, and as we're down with all what all the kids do nowadays, expect to see them plastered everywhere we can across social media. And the moon. Okay, maybe not the moon. Although Norway is an alternative. Or Wigan. Hello Wigan.
In need of inspiration? Check out our last Top 200 poll here. Now we've got the pleasantries out of the way, click that big 'vote now' button below and tell us your favourite games!
The Small Print: We have to have this, don't we? Well, a couple of points. Any voting irregularities will be dealt with in the harshest terms. No, seriously. We think you're cheating? We'll tell your parents on you. You've been warned. In the event of an unintelligible response, the Judge's decision is final. And I am the Judge. And the law too, in this matter. Will I enter into correspondence with you? No. I'll bloody well not. Don't like the results? Post it on Twitter with the hashtag #DCJYmademecry. The winner of the randomly drawn 'Mountain of Crap' will be drawn...randomly. By Tom. He also won't take no crap, so don't even think about complaining. We'll post to anywhere that has an address except North Korea, Antarctica and Swindon. We obviously reserve the right to utterly forget about the comp and sell all the crap for beer money, but we probably won't. And yeah, we will use comments you make, so anything likely to get you into trouble, maybe keep it for Twitter, aye? Oh, and Shenmue fans - I love Shenmue. We all do. But for f#### sake, try to be a bit more interesting and not just reply with 'Shenmue 1' and 'Shenmue 2' 20 times...please?
Voted and done. That was fun.
I'll be sure the spread the word.
Wow when you fill in something like this, it not only shocks you how many amazing games there is and 20 is no where near enough, and actually hard to decide which make the cut over others! Crazy!
Ill have to agree with SkillJim , really hard to select only 20 good ones.
It will be fun to see the list ! *Sturmwind go go* :D
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