"Get a Life...Get a Dreamcast..."

Yes, that rather outlandish claim does exist somewhere else apart from above the Ivory and Platinum Gates that mark the entrance to the Dreamcast Junkyard. It exists here, as part of a UK Launch promo video.

Also, out of sheer boredom (right), this evening saw me try out Planet Ring for the first time. It's meant to be some sort of online theme park where you take part in various simple games with other players via the wonders of the internet. However, as I've stated elsewhere, my DC is not hooked up to the net so all that happened when I tried to play was a message that the console was looking for an internet connection... When it couldnt find one it just exited to the 'start' screen. Fellow Blogger son_et_lumiere made a comment about an 'infinity loop' in one of Jet Set Radio's levels a few weeks back...well, I think I've inadvertantly discovered a new one.

Next, here's a delightful Chu Chu Rocket advert. Why can't all games ads be as downright fucking lovely as this? If they were, I'm sure we'd all be much happier. Not only in our work, but also in our dreams. Cough.

Finally, stay tuned as I attempt to modify my DC by changing that grotesque orange LED to a more PAL-friendly blue one...results and pictures will follow soon. Fingers crossed I don't accidentally blow up a) my Dreamcast; or (less importantly) b) myself.


gnome said...

Great post mate.... And one question though... Should I buy an unboxed used dreamcast for around 60 euros??

Son_et_lumiere said...

I love it. blahblah blahblah blah chu-chu rocket Dreamcast!

Tom Charnock said...

Thanks for the comments guys.

Gnome, a quick look at the Reuters currency converter tells me that you'd be paying the equivalent of £40.83 for that unboxed Dreamcast. It's a bit steep by our standards seeing as you can get an unboxed one from the game shop up the road from me for £24.99 with 3 games...however, you don't state what comes with it...but I'd say go for it if you can spare the cash. But then, I would say that wouldnt I?!

Good to see you back Son_et_lumiere, I'm interested in how your BF2 crusades are going - update your blog!! Oh, and I'll put a link on here if you'll put one on yours? Whaddya say?

gnome said...

Hmmm... It comes with nothing except the absolutely essential stuff, but it foes have a warrante for 6 months...
Oh, and thanks a lot for answering mate.


Tom Charnock said...

No problem - any Dreamcast related questions are a pleasure to answer! As for the warranty, you wont need it - i'm working on another blog that will be linked to this one that shows step by step how to fix ANY problem with your Dreamcast console, complete with pictures. Watch this space!

Son_et_lumiere said...

Alright, I linked you. I updated too.

Tom Charnock said...

Son_et_lumiere - link done. The circle is complete. Or something...lol

Tom Charnock said...

Son_et_lumiere - link done. The circle is complete. Or something...lol