The Ultimate Collection

I thought that my fledgling collection of DC stuff was pretty impressive, what with keyboards, mice, guns, microphones etc. However, it appears that there are at least a few people out there who also harbour a dark secret...a Samba-De-Fucking-Amigo sized secret...

Yes, this collection belongs to Gary, the genius behind the almost retail quality resurection of Half Life. This is a pretty impressive collection (check out the Sonic figures!) and I've also noted the presence of 3 PSX games - Metal Gear Solid, Tekken 3 and GT 2...this means only one thing - Bleemcast!
Gary, the Dreamcast Junkyard salutes you and your quest to keep us all Dreamcasting!


Son_et_lumiere said...

He wins the prize!

Tom Charnock said...

ha ha! yeah, not too keen on Tekken myself - i was always more of a virtua fighter kind of guy

Animated AF said...

I'd sell my soul for one of those Samba De Amigo sets. Mind if I send you some photos of my Deamcast collection? It's not as big as this guy's, but I'm rather pleased with it so far.