Well, will you looky over there! Over 20,000 hits on the 'Yard since the whole thing crawled out of my ear, slopped off my pillow and infested the internet all of 9 long months ago. Nowadays, the mere thought of an internet without the Dreamcast Junkyard makes me shudder. The kind of shudder that ripples through the body when taking a particularly satisfying piss. Anyway - today's post is more of an introduction than a proper DC related journey through the surreal. As regular visitors will have gathered, the 'Yard is currently maintained by myself and the multi-talented Gagaman. However, in a matter of mere weeks, I - the all-powerful Warlock known simply as Tomleecee, will be temporarily departing from the comfortable confines of this pastel hued asylum for an unknown period of time. As such, I have taken it upon myself to enlist a new Team Member to assist The Gagaman in continuing to deliver the good word to the masses after my passing. Like a band of Dreamcast branded Jehovah's Witnesses, but without the sinister, birthday-less undertones. Ahem.
So without further ado, Ladies and Gents, please welcome The Dreamcast Junkyard's newest team member - Father Krishna!
Father Krishna promises to bring reviews, tales of Dreamcasting adventures and (hopefully) a whole truckload of bullshit to the 'Yard. So, business as usual then.
FOR EXAMPLE:Whilst taking the aformentioned piss earlier this evening, I noticed something familiar about the bog-roll holder next to the shit throne:

eh? eh?
Cheers for the introduction Tom and thanks agan for the honour!
I will endeavour to provide my own brand of insight to the best blog about the best console as soon as possible. Just as soon as I've changed my smalls in fact. Expect rambling nonsense about 'Caution Seaman', ill advised, compulsive ebay purchases and life in the sprawling urban skid-mark that is Manchester...
Just what the doctor ordered!
Despite the nurse's fierce disagreement, if I noticed correctly.
Welcome fatherkrishna and Tom don't leave just yet... Stay a bit more. It's nice here you know... Who's going to rave about DC sightings now? Huh?
Thanks for the welcome gnome...much appreciated! And whilst I can't promise the same calibre of postings as the good 'Yards originater, there will be plenty of ravings about DC related guff (just as soon as I get a new keyboard 'cos this one is fucking killing me.) I may as well type on it with my bloody forehead...
No please don't. Just spend 7 euros and get a new keyboard. It's the wise thing to do...
You're right.I will...
Welcome to the team, Krish! I'll promise to bring more articles to this blog when I have time too, although I have been a tad busy recently.
Thankyou Gagaman, glad to be in your esteemed company! Look forward to caretaking at your side!
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