Showing posts with label podcast. Show all posts
Showing posts with label podcast. Show all posts



In the most exciting crossover since Jay-Z and Linkin Park did Collision Course, in episode 129 of our podcast, the DreamPod, Brian and Lewis are joined by two stalwarts of both the Sega Saturn and Dreamcast community: SaturnDave and Patrick (TraynoCo) of SEGA SATURN, SHIRO

SHIRO! originally started in 2017 as a podcast dedicated to the Saturn, but has since grown into a website, YouTube channel and community dedicated to spreading the love of Sega's misunderstood 32-bit wonder, and later the Dreamcast. We at the Junkyard are fans of the work these guys do, so it was great to finally get them on the pod to talk all about it, as well as their love for the Dreamcast.

In this episode, we go into detail about SHIRO!'s origins, the present and future of the Saturn, the strengths and similarities of both consoles, and much much more. We also put SHIRO! on the spot and ask them to name their top three Dreamcast titles.
You can listen to this episode of the DreamPod and all of our previous episodes on Buzzsprout, along with all great podcatchers... and remember. You MUST play Sega Saturn!

DCJY welcomes Dreamcast Enjoyer

Here at The Dreamcast Junkyard we love to champion creators in the scene who continue to keep the dream alive, so for episode 120 of our podcast, the DreamPod, we are joined by Dreamcast Enjoyer!

For the last year, Dreamcast Enjoyer (aka Dominic) has been creating excellent, upbeat YouTube videos about Dreamcast games and games from other systems, with a particular focus on nostalgia and good vibes, as well as an appreciation for creativity and potential in even the jankiest titles. His videos are super positive and relaxing, so if you weren't aware of Dreamcast Enjoyer before, we recommend you go subscribe to his channel!

In the episode, myself (Lewis) and Andrew chat to Dominic about his Dreamcast origin story, his time on YouTube so far, his love for Blue Stinger, obscure Japanese exclusives, and more, in this hour long episode.

You can listen to this episode of the DreamPod and all of our previous episodes on Buzzsprout, along with all great podcatchers. Huge thanks to Dominic for joining us on this episode, we had a great chat!

P.S. Dreamcast Enjoyer revealed to us on the episode that he has The Dreamcast Junkyard as his internet browser home page, so Dom, I hope this post was a nice surprise!

SEGA Talk Podcast: SEGA Dreamcast – 20 Year Anniversary (1999-2019)

In celebration of the SEGA Dreamcast turning 20 years old in America on September 9th, SEGAbits is talking about the console itself on this milestone episode of SEGA Talk! What went on behind the scenes during the development of the hardware? What were the best launch games? How early did SEGA plan to discontinue the Dreamcast? Find out all that and more on this episode!

Support SEGA Talk on Patreon! Get early access, tell us what games to cover, and have your SEGA memories played at the end and more! 

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 If you want to give us feedback, suggest a topic for the next podcast or want to ask a question for us to answer on the next episode you can add  them as a comment below or send theme directly to our email. Make sure you use subject line ‘SEGA Talk’ and as always, thanks for listening!

DreamPod - Episode 57

Feel free to join our Facebook group, like our Facebook page and follow us on Twitter. Oh, and one last thing - give us an iTunes review if you can be bothered. Cheers!

DreamPod - Episode 54 Featuring Retro Gamer Editor Darran Jones

If you enjoyed this episode, please feel free to subscribe on iTunes, and leave us a review. You can also contribute to our Patreon here. Feel free to leave us a comment below or join the conversation in our Facebook group or on Twitter!

Finally, be sure to follow our guest Darran on Twitter, follow Retro Gamer, buy the magazine and visit the website here!

DreamPod - Episode 53

Feel free to join our Facebook group, like our Facebook page and follow us on Twitter; and if you’re feeling flush and/or generous our Patreon is here. Oh, and one last thing - give us an iTunes review if you can be bothered. Cheers!

Articles related to this episode include:

DreamPod - Episode 51

Feel free to join our Facebook group, like our Facebook page and follow us on Twitter; and if you’re feeling flush and/or generous our Patreon is here. Oh, and one last thing - give us an iTunes review if you can be bothered. Cheers!
Hover: Revolt of Gamers is inspired by Jet Set Radio
Related articles to peruse while you listen to this:
SEGA Forever Finally Revealed
Cosmic Smash Secret Characters Revealed
Damascus Apparel Releases Dreamcast Shirt

All previous episodes can also be found at our dedicated Buzzsprout page here.

DreamPod - Episode 50

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Music in this episode is from Sega Swirl. You can find out further information on the Dreamcast emulator for Xbox One here, the Deer Avenger discovery here, Xenocider here and SLaVE here. Also, be sure to check out Orion's Escape 2042 here. Feel free to join our Facebook group, like our Facebook page and follow us on Twitter; and if you’re feeling flush and/or generous our Patreon is here. Oh, and one last thing - give us an iTunes review if you can be bothered. Cheers!

DreamPod - Episode 49

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Music in this episode is from Alice Dreams Tournament, and the AGES II disc we recently looked at. Find out more about the Shenmue bomber jacket here, the Pix ’N Love book here and the new game from Orion here. Feel free to join our Facebook group, like our Facebook page and follow us on Twitter; and if you’re feeling flush and/or generous our Patreon is here. Oh, and one last thing - give us an iTunes review if you can be bothered. Cheers!

DreamPod - Episode 48 Featuring DC Gaga

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If you'd like to know more about DC Gaga, you can find the main site here, and also find Jamie on Twitter and Facebook. The article on the Dream Library download service is located here, and you can find our previous articles on the Dreameye, Dreamcast karaoke unit and the DC-Free service by clicking on/tapping the various inline links. If you like what you've heard, please consider leaving us an iTune review and as ever, thanks to everyone who donates to our Patreon.

DreamPod - Episode 47

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Music in this episode comes from Trizeal. You can read more about the Nintendo/Sega story here. Find out more about Rush Rush Rally Reloaded and Breakers here. You can discover more about Alice Dreams Tournament here. Once again, we appreciate the support from our awesome Patrons. If you'd like to donate $1, please find our Patreon here. If you like what you've heard please feel free to leave us a review at iTunes, and if you'd like to join the Facebook group you can find us here.

DreamPod - Episode 46 Featuring Dreamcast Hub

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Music in this episode comes from Wind & Water, MSR, Sturmwind and the live Shenmue orchestra. The interview about Blue Stinger and Illbleed is here at Gamasutra and it's pretty heart-wrenching so be warned if you read the whole thing (I doubt anyone will, but it's worth it). You are the people we do this for, so thanks for listening. If you have any feedback please don't hesitate to leave it in the comments or at the Facebook group - we read them all. You can find our guest host Stephen Robinson at the Facebook group Dreamcast Hub.

Feel free to leave a review on iTunes and if you want to chuck us your change on Patreon we're here.

DreamPod - Episode 45

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Music in this episode is from Gunlord and Wind & Water Puzzle Battles. You can find information about the Akura VGA to HDMI converter here, Matterrun is here, Dreamcastnoid is here. Information about the Postal story can be found here and the Worms World Party story is here. You can find out more on the Sturmwind reprint here. If you like what you hear, please consider leaving a review on iTunes and if you would like to support the DreamPod on Patreon you can find us here.

Please feel free to join our Facebook group, like the Facebook page or follow us on Twitter. Lastly, and most importantly - keep dreaming, and be excellent to one another.

DreamPod - Episode 44: RadioSEGA WinterFest 2016

Once you've listened to/downloaded the episode, be sure to head over to RadioSEGA to enjoy a constant stream of awesome music and original shows. As ever, if you like what you hear please consider leaving us an iTunes review. And if you fancy chucking $1 a month at us for this lovely content feel free to check out our Patreon page. Thanks!

DreamPod - Episode 43

As ever, if you like what you hear please consider leaving us an iTunes review. And if you fancy chucking $1 a month at us for this lovely content feel free to check out our Patreon page. Thanks!

DreamPod - Episode 42: Featuring Chris Powell of SEGA Nerds & Mega Visions

You can discover more information about Mega Visions by visiting the official website here, and you'll also find all the download links for all the Apple, Google and Amazon devices you could ever hope to own. We're pretty sure you don't need a link to SEGA Nerds...but if you insist you can find the main site here. Also, be sure to follow both the Nerds and Mega Visions Twitter accounts for further updates and general SEGA-related news! 

If you like what you've heard please consider leaving us an iTunes review, and thanks for listening!

DreamPod - Episode 41: Featuring

IMPLANTgames is run by Kris Genthe and has an amazing amount of content documenting Sega games from across the whole range of platforms. His YouTube channel is full of interesting and insigtful videos documenting little known and obscure topics...and that's why we here at the Junkyard love his stuff. Please feel free to check out his website here and also his podcast here. You can also find Kris on Twitter. If you like what you've heard on this episode of the DreamPod, please feel free to subscribe and leave a review on iTunes.

DreamPod - Episode 40

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You can find all of our previous episodes of DreamPod here, and there's more information regarding our exploits at Play Expo Manchester 2016 here. If you'd like to grab HankyAlienDC and play it using your SD card reader, be sure to head over to Simian Zombie and click the download link. Further information on In The Line Of Fire can be found here, and below you'll find me (Tom) and Rob in Maych TV's YouTube video which we took part in during Play Expo. Finally, if you like what you've heard on this episode of DreamPod (or not - we know the sound quality was a bit shit due to using Skype and a free recording app I found literally 5 minutes before starting the podcast); please feel free to leave us a rating or review on iTunes. Cheers!