New Dreamcast 2 details!

Look at those specs! HD-GD ROM! A 1 Terabite Harddrive! Erm...what ever those other features say! Ok, not really, this is just some art I found over at Pixia. It's a pretty neat place to find odd Japanese fan art like that, and this rather excellent piece below. Click it to full view and see if you can recognize everyone on it!

EDIT: Another one, why not? This one is probably the only time I've ever seen anyone illustrate Seaman and Ulala IN THE SAME PICTURE.


Barry the Nomad said...

Amazing! Usually you'd have to seek out hentai to find Ulala and seamen together.

I mean Seaman.

Barry the Nomad said...

Actually I meant semen.

Anonymous said...

Sure you didn't mean plowman? Or postman.

Caleb said...

Awesome artwork.

Anonymous said...

Cool. They should use some of these when they celebrate 9/9/09

NebachadnezzaR said...

Martin, help us out, man. What's written in the picture? :P

Lol, good find, gman. Kinda looks like that undead picture of yours, doesn't it?

Animated AF said...

I just noticed that near the bottom it says "Shenmue III", presumably as a launch title. :D

fatherkrishna said...

LOL @ Barry!

Is there anyway you can get the Seaman/Ulala picture to enlarge?
It's awesome!!

Animated AF said...

The size it is when you click on it is as big as it'll go. I had to sign up to that website (which is entirely in Japanese) to get the full size pictures.

DCbrotha said...

Click link : READ 2nd POST and See DEATAILED IMAGES


Andrew said...

keep dreaming...